While reviewing MDL-72376, I realised book_get_nav_classes is not
used anymore in Moodle LMS since Moodle 4.0 so it should be deprecated
Probably it should have been deprecated together with book_get_nav_types.
The behat tests using the course format topics have been reviewed to:
- Add the 'inisections' parameter where necessary, facilitating automatic
renaming of section names.
- Evaluate failing tests due to slight changes in ordering. Notably, in
the topics format, sections are now uniformly named 'New section' without
any numbering.
This has been generated running the following Sniff,
part of the Moodle's CodeSniffer standard:
- PSR2.Methods.MethodDeclaration
It just ensures all the function declarations have
the correct order for:
- abstract and final.
- visibility (public, protected, private).
- static.
So, all the lines modified by this commit are function declarations
and the only changes are in the positions of those keywords.
This has been generated running the following Sniffs, all
them part of the Moodle's CodeSniffer standard:
- PSR12.Functions.ReturnTypeDeclaration
- PSR12.Functions.NullableTypeDeclaration
- moodle.Methods.MethodDeclarationSpacing
- Squiz.Whitespace.ScopeKeywordSpacing
All them are, exclusively, about correct spacing, so the changes
are, all them, only white space changes.
Only exceptions to the above are 3 changes what were setting the
return type in a new line, and, when that happens, the closing
parenthesis (bracket) has to go to the same line than the colon.
The old monocromo.png activity icon files have been removed and
replaced with the new SVG files created by the UX team.
Special thanks to Sabina Abellán! :-)
The absence of SVG files has been addressed by including them,
sourced from the respective FontAwesome versions available for
download at https://fontawesome.com/icons
In order to reduce the number of icons for the MIME types, a few
icons have been removed and replaced with their generic from
the existing ones:
- avi -> video
- base -> database
- bmp -> image
- html -> markup
- jpeg -> image
- mov -> video
- mp3 -> audio
- mpeg -> video
- png -> image
- quicktime -> video
- tiff -> image
- wav -> audio
- wmv -> video
When navigating to the next / previous chapter, the chapter should be
the page element that gets the user's attention and focus. Its title
should be displayed at the prominent top page area without the need to
scroll to it all the time.
Replace steps that manually add Book instances via the UI and use
Behat generators. This improves the speed of the Behat test runs.
Additionally, performed Behat cleanup and optimisation to affected
Default value of the $flag argument changed in PHP 8.1 from ENT_COMPAT to ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE
To ensure consistent behavior across different PHP version the second parameter is now required for the functions:
htmlspecialchars(), htmlentities(), htmlspecialchars_decode(), html_entity_decode() and get_html_translation_table()
For a long time, Moodle has had the feature to force the language
for a whole course. This change adds the same feature at activity
The course-level feature was controlled by a capability
moodle/course:setforcedlanguage, and I decided to use the same
capability to control this feature. I think a new capability would be
This just deletes all the upgrade steps previous to 3.9.0. Some
small adjustments, like tweaking globals can also be applied
when needed.
Also includes an upgrade step to prevent upgrading from any
version < 2020061500 (v3.9.0) as anti-cheating measure.
The next commits will proceed to deprecate / remove functions
that were exclusively (usually belonging to upgradelib) being
used by those, now removed, upgrade steps. This is the list
of code to remove and document in upgrade.txt files:
- upgrade_analytics_fix_contextids_defaults()
- upgrade_convert_hub_config_site_param_names()
- upgrade_rename_prediction_actions_useful_incorrectly_flagged()
- \mod_forum\task\refresh_forum_post_counts adhoc task.
And these is the code that has NOT been removed
because it may be needed later (no matter there aren't uses now):
- \core_search\manager::clean_up_non_existing_area(), used by
- \core\task\clean_up_deleted_search_area_task adhoc task