mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 02:49:53 +01:00
Oracle does not accept column labels in the GROUP BY section - get_logs_usercourse() and get_logs_userday() were computing the day/hours column and using it in the GROUP BY. The compatible fix is to reproduce the same computation in the GROUP BY section. Credit for the fix goes to Dennis Rochford <Dennis.Rochford@usq.edu.au>.
2135 lines
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2135 lines
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<?php // $Id$
* Library of functions for database manipulation.
* Other main libraries:
* - weblib.php - functions that produce web output
* - moodlelib.php - general-purpose Moodle functions
* @author Martin Dougiamas and many others
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU Public License
* @package moodlecore
* Escape all dangerous characters in a data record
* $dataobject is an object containing needed data
* Run over each field exectuting addslashes() function
* to escape SQL unfriendly characters (e.g. quotes)
* Handy when writing back data read from the database
* @param $dataobject Object containing the database record
* @return object Same object with neccessary characters escaped
function addslashes_object( $dataobject ) {
$a = get_object_vars( $dataobject);
foreach ($a as $key=>$value) {
$a[$key] = addslashes( $value );
return (object)$a;
/// USER DATABASE ////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Returns $user object of the main admin user
* primary admin = admin with lowest role_assignment id among admins
* @uses $CFG
* @return object(admin) An associative array representing the admin user.
function get_admin () {
global $CFG;
static $myadmin;
if (isset($myadmin)) {
return $myadmin;
if ( $admins = get_admins() ) {
foreach ($admins as $admin) {
$myadmin = $admin;
return $admin; // ie the first one
} else {
return false;
* Returns list of all admins
* @uses $CFG
* @return object
function get_admins() {
global $CFG;
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM, SITEID);
return get_users_by_capability($context, 'moodle/site:doanything', 'u.*, ra.id as adminid', 'ra.id ASC'); // only need first one
function get_courses_in_metacourse($metacourseid) {
global $CFG;
$sql = "SELECT c.id,c.shortname,c.fullname FROM {$CFG->prefix}course c, {$CFG->prefix}course_meta mc WHERE mc.parent_course = $metacourseid
AND mc.child_course = c.id ORDER BY c.shortname";
return get_records_sql($sql);
function get_courses_notin_metacourse($metacourseid,$count=false) {
global $CFG;
if ($count) {
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(c.id)";
} else {
$sql = "SELECT c.id,c.shortname,c.fullname";
$alreadycourses = get_courses_in_metacourse($metacourseid);
$sql .= " FROM {$CFG->prefix}course c WHERE ".((!empty($alreadycourses)) ? "c.id NOT IN (".implode(',',array_keys($alreadycourses)).")
AND " : "")." c.id !=$metacourseid and c.id != ".SITEID." and c.metacourse != 1 ".((empty($count)) ? " ORDER BY c.shortname" : "");
return get_records_sql($sql);
function count_courses_notin_metacourse($metacourseid) {
global $CFG;
$alreadycourses = get_courses_in_metacourse($metacourseid);
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(c.id) AS notin FROM {$CFG->prefix}course c
WHERE ".((!empty($alreadycourses)) ? "c.id NOT IN (".implode(',',array_keys($alreadycourses)).")
AND " : "")." c.id !=$metacourseid and c.id != ".SITEID." and c.metacourse != 1";
if (!$count = get_record_sql($sql)) {
return 0;
return $count->notin;
* Search through course users
* If $coursid specifies the site course then this function searches
* through all undeleted and confirmed users
* @uses $CFG
* @uses SITEID
* @param int $courseid The course in question.
* @param int $groupid The group in question.
* @param string $searchtext ?
* @param string $sort ?
* @param string $exceptions ?
* @return object
function search_users($courseid, $groupid, $searchtext, $sort='', $exceptions='') {
global $CFG;
$LIKE = sql_ilike();
$fullname = sql_fullname('u.firstname', 'u.lastname');
if (!empty($exceptions)) {
$except = ' AND u.id NOT IN ('. $exceptions .') ';
} else {
$except = '';
if (!empty($sort)) {
$order = ' ORDER BY '. $sort;
} else {
$order = '';
$select = 'u.deleted = \'0\' AND u.confirmed = \'1\'';
if (!$courseid or $courseid == SITEID) {
return get_records_sql("SELECT u.id, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.email
FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u
WHERE $select
AND ($fullname $LIKE '%$searchtext%' OR u.email $LIKE '%$searchtext%')
$except $order");
} else {
if ($groupid) {
//TODO:check. Remove group DB dependencies.
return get_records_sql("SELECT u.id, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.email
FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u,
{$CFG->prefix}groups_members gm
WHERE $select AND gm.groupid = '$groupid' AND gm.userid = u.id
AND ($fullname $LIKE '%$searchtext%' OR u.email $LIKE '%$searchtext%')
$except $order");
} else {
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid);
$contextlists = get_related_contexts_string($context);
$users = get_records_sql("SELECT u.id, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.email
FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u,
{$CFG->prefix}role_assignments ra
WHERE $select AND ra.contextid $contextlists AND ra.userid = u.id
AND ($fullname $LIKE '%$searchtext%' OR u.email $LIKE '%$searchtext%')
$except $order");
return $users;
* Returns a list of all site users
* Obsolete, just calls get_course_users(SITEID)
* @uses SITEID
* @deprecated Use {@link get_course_users()} instead.
* @param string $fields A comma separated list of fields to be returned from the chosen table.
* @return object|false {@link $USER} records or false if error.
function get_site_users($sort='u.lastaccess DESC', $fields='*', $exceptions='') {
return get_course_users(SITEID, $sort, $exceptions, $fields);
* Returns a subset of users
* @uses $CFG
* @param bool $get If false then only a count of the records is returned
* @param string $search A simple string to search for
* @param bool $confirmed A switch to allow/disallow unconfirmed users
* @param array(int) $exceptions A list of IDs to ignore, eg 2,4,5,8,9,10
* @param string $sort A SQL snippet for the sorting criteria to use
* @param string $firstinitial ?
* @param string $lastinitial ?
* @param string $page ?
* @param string $recordsperpage ?
* @param string $fields A comma separated list of fields to be returned from the chosen table.
* @return object|false|int {@link $USER} records unless get is false in which case the integer count of the records found is returned. False is returned if an error is encountered.
function get_users($get=true, $search='', $confirmed=false, $exceptions='', $sort='firstname ASC',
$firstinitial='', $lastinitial='', $page='', $recordsperpage='', $fields='*', $extraselect='') {
global $CFG;
if ($get && !$recordsperpage) {
debugging('Call to get_users with $get = true no $recordsperpage limit. ' .
'On large installations, this will probably cause an out of memory error. ' .
'Please think again and change your code so that it does not try to ' .
'load so much data into memory.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$LIKE = sql_ilike();
$fullname = sql_fullname();
$select = 'username <> \'guest\' AND deleted = 0';
if (!empty($search)){
$search = trim($search);
$select .= " AND ($fullname $LIKE '%$search%' OR email $LIKE '%$search%') ";
if ($confirmed) {
$select .= ' AND confirmed = \'1\' ';
if ($exceptions) {
$select .= ' AND id NOT IN ('. $exceptions .') ';
if ($firstinitial) {
$select .= ' AND firstname '. $LIKE .' \''. $firstinitial .'%\'';
if ($lastinitial) {
$select .= ' AND lastname '. $LIKE .' \''. $lastinitial .'%\'';
if ($extraselect) {
$select .= " AND $extraselect ";
if ($get) {
return get_records_select('user', $select, $sort, $fields, $page, $recordsperpage);
} else {
return count_records_select('user', $select);
* shortdesc (optional)
* longdesc
* @uses $CFG
* @param string $sort ?
* @param string $dir ?
* @param int $categoryid ?
* @param int $categoryid ?
* @param string $search ?
* @param string $firstinitial ?
* @param string $lastinitial ?
* @returnobject {@link $USER} records
* @todo Finish documenting this function
function get_users_listing($sort='lastaccess', $dir='ASC', $page=0, $recordsperpage=0,
$search='', $firstinitial='', $lastinitial='', $extraselect='') {
global $CFG;
$LIKE = sql_ilike();
$fullname = sql_fullname();
$select = "deleted <> '1'";
if (!empty($search)) {
$search = trim($search);
$select .= " AND ($fullname $LIKE '%$search%' OR email $LIKE '%$search%' OR username='$search') ";
if ($firstinitial) {
$select .= ' AND firstname '. $LIKE .' \''. $firstinitial .'%\' ';
if ($lastinitial) {
$select .= ' AND lastname '. $LIKE .' \''. $lastinitial .'%\' ';
if ($extraselect) {
$select .= " AND $extraselect ";
if ($sort) {
$sort = ' ORDER BY '. $sort .' '. $dir;
/// warning: will return UNCONFIRMED USERS
return get_records_sql("SELECT id, username, email, firstname, lastname, city, country, lastaccess, confirmed, mnethostid
FROM {$CFG->prefix}user
WHERE $select $sort", $page, $recordsperpage);
* Full list of users that have confirmed their accounts.
* @uses $CFG
* @return object
function get_users_confirmed() {
global $CFG;
return get_records_sql("SELECT *
FROM {$CFG->prefix}user
WHERE confirmed = 1
AND deleted = 0
AND username <> 'guest'");
/// OTHER SITE AND COURSE FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////
* Returns $course object of the top-level site.
* @return course A {@link $COURSE} object for the site
function get_site() {
global $SITE;
if (!empty($SITE->id)) { // We already have a global to use, so return that
return $SITE;
if ($course = get_record('course', 'category', 0)) {
return $course;
} else {
return false;
* Returns list of courses, for whole site, or category
* Returns list of courses, for whole site, or category
* Important: Using c.* for fields is extremely expensive because
* we are using distinct. You almost _NEVER_ need all the fields
* in such a large SELECT
* @param type description
function get_courses($categoryid="all", $sort="c.sortorder ASC", $fields="c.*") {
global $USER, $CFG;
if ($categoryid != "all" && is_numeric($categoryid)) {
$categoryselect = "WHERE c.category = '$categoryid'";
} else {
$categoryselect = "";
if (empty($sort)) {
$sortstatement = "";
} else {
$sortstatement = "ORDER BY $sort";
$visiblecourses = array();
// pull out all course matching the cat
if ($courses = get_records_sql("SELECT $fields
FROM {$CFG->prefix}course c
$sortstatement")) {
// loop throught them
foreach ($courses as $course) {
if (isset($course->visible) && $course->visible <= 0) {
// for hidden courses, require visibility check
if (has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddencourses',
get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id))) {
$visiblecourses [] = $course;
} else {
$visiblecourses [] = $course;
return $visiblecourses;
$teachertable = "";
$visiblecourses = "";
$sqland = "";
if (!empty($categoryselect)) {
$sqland = "AND ";
if (!empty($USER->id)) { // May need to check they are a teacher
if (!has_capability('moodle/course:create', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM, SITEID))) {
$visiblecourses = "$sqland ((c.visible > 0) OR t.userid = '$USER->id')";
$teachertable = "LEFT JOIN {$CFG->prefix}user_teachers t ON t.course = c.id";
} else {
$visiblecourses = "$sqland c.visible > 0";
if ($categoryselect or $visiblecourses) {
$selectsql = "{$CFG->prefix}course c $teachertable WHERE $categoryselect $visiblecourses";
} else {
$selectsql = "{$CFG->prefix}course c $teachertable";
$extrafield = str_replace('ASC','',$sort);
$extrafield = str_replace('DESC','',$extrafield);
$extrafield = trim($extrafield);
if (!empty($extrafield)) {
$extrafield = ','.$extrafield;
return get_records_sql("SELECT ".((!empty($teachertable)) ? " DISTINCT " : "")." $fields $extrafield FROM $selectsql ".((!empty($sort)) ? "ORDER BY $sort" : ""));
* Returns list of courses, for whole site, or category
* Similar to get_courses, but allows paging
* Important: Using c.* for fields is extremely expensive because
* we are using distinct. You almost _NEVER_ need all the fields
* in such a large SELECT
* @param type description
function get_courses_page($categoryid="all", $sort="c.sortorder ASC", $fields="c.*",
&$totalcount, $limitfrom="", $limitnum="") {
global $USER, $CFG;
$categoryselect = "";
if ($categoryid != "all" && is_numeric($categoryid)) {
$categoryselect = "WHERE c.category = '$categoryid'";
} else {
$categoryselect = "";
// pull out all course matching the cat
$visiblecourses = array();
if (!($rs = get_recordset_sql("SELECT $fields,
ctx.id AS ctxid, ctx.path AS ctxpath,
ctx.depth AS ctxdepth, ctx.contextlevel AS ctxlevel
FROM {$CFG->prefix}course c
JOIN {$CFG->prefix}context ctx
ON (c.id = ctx.instanceid AND ctx.contextlevel=".CONTEXT_COURSE.")
ORDER BY $sort"))) {
return $visiblecourses;
$totalcount = 0;
if (!$limitfrom) {
$limitfrom = 0;
// iteration will have to be done inside loop to keep track of the limitfrom and limitnum
while ($course = rs_fetch_next_record($rs)) {
$course = make_context_subobj($course);
if ($course->visible <= 0) {
// for hidden courses, require visibility check
if (has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddencourses', $course->context)) {
if ($totalcount > $limitfrom && (!$limitnum or count($visiblecourses) < $limitnum)) {
$visiblecourses [] = $course;
} else {
if ($totalcount > $limitfrom && (!$limitnum or count($visiblecourses) < $limitnum)) {
$visiblecourses [] = $course;
return $visiblecourses;
$categoryselect = "";
if ($categoryid != "all" && is_numeric($categoryid)) {
$categoryselect = "c.category = '$categoryid'";
$teachertable = "";
$visiblecourses = "";
$sqland = "";
if (!empty($categoryselect)) {
$sqland = "AND ";
if (!empty($USER) and !empty($USER->id)) { // May need to check they are a teacher
if (!has_capability('moodle/course:create', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM, SITEID))) {
$visiblecourses = "$sqland ((c.visible > 0) OR t.userid = '$USER->id')";
$teachertable = "LEFT JOIN {$CFG->prefix}user_teachers t ON t.course=c.id";
} else {
$visiblecourses = "$sqland c.visible > 0";
if ($limitfrom !== "") {
$limit = sql_paging_limit($limitfrom, $limitnum);
} else {
$limit = "";
$selectsql = "{$CFG->prefix}course c $teachertable WHERE $categoryselect $visiblecourses";
$totalcount = count_records_sql("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT c.id) FROM $selectsql");
return get_records_sql("SELECT $fields FROM $selectsql ".((!empty($sort)) ? "ORDER BY $sort" : "")." $limit");
* Retrieve course records with the course managers and other related records
* that we need for print_course(). This allows print_courses() to do its job
* in a constant number of DB queries, regardless of the number of courses,
* role assignments, etc.
* The returned array is indexed on c.id, and each course will have
* - $course->context - a context obj
* - $course->managers - array containing RA objects that include a $user obj
* with the minimal fields needed for fullname()
function get_courses_wmanagers($categoryid=0, $sort="c.sortorder ASC", $fields=array()) {
* The plan is to
* - Grab the courses JOINed w/context
* - Grab the interesting course-manager RAs
* JOINed with a base user obj and add them to each course
* So as to do all the work in 2 DB queries. The RA+user JOIN
* ends up being pretty expensive if it happens over _all_
* courses on a large site. (Are we surprised!?)
* So this should _never_ get called with 'all' on a large site.
global $USER, $CFG;
$allcats = false; // bool flag
if ($categoryid === 'all') {
$categoryclause = '';
$allcats = true;
} elseif (is_numeric($categoryid)) {
$categoryclause = "c.category = $categoryid";
} else {
debugging("Could not recognise categoryid = $categoryid");
$categoryclause = '';
$basefields = array('id', 'category', 'sortorder',
'shortname', 'fullname', 'idnumber',
'teacher', 'teachers', 'student', 'students',
'guest', 'startdate', 'visible',
'newsitems', 'cost', 'enrol',
'groupmode', 'groupmodeforce');
if (!is_null($fields) && is_string($fields)) {
if (empty($fields)) {
$fields = $basefields;
} else {
// turn the fields from a string to an array that
// get_user_courses_bycap() will like...
$fields = explode(',',$fields);
$fields = array_map('trim', $fields);
$fields = array_unique(array_merge($basefields, $fields));
} elseif (is_array($fields)) {
$fields = array_merge($basefields,$fields);
$coursefields = 'c.' .join(',c.', $fields);
if (empty($sort)) {
$sortstatement = "";
} else {
$sortstatement = "ORDER BY $sort";
$where = 'WHERE c.id != ' . SITEID;
if ($categoryclause !== ''){
$where = "$where AND $categoryclause";
// pull out all courses matching the cat
$sql = "SELECT $coursefields,
ctx.id AS ctxid, ctx.path AS ctxpath,
ctx.depth AS ctxdepth, ctx.contextlevel AS ctxlevel
FROM {$CFG->prefix}course c
JOIN {$CFG->prefix}context ctx
ON (c.id=ctx.instanceid AND ctx.contextlevel=".CONTEXT_COURSE.")
$catpaths = array();
$catpath = NULL;
if ($courses = get_records_sql($sql)) {
// loop on courses materialising
// the context, and prepping data to fetch the
// managers efficiently later...
foreach ($courses as $k => $course) {
$courses[$k] = make_context_subobj($courses[$k]);
$courses[$k]->managers = array();
if ($allcats === false) {
// single cat, so take just the first one...
if ($catpath === NULL) {
$catpath = preg_replace(':/\d+$:', '',$courses[$k]->context->path);
} else {
// chop off the contextid of the course itself
// like dirname() does...
$catpaths[] = preg_replace(':/\d+$:', '',$courses[$k]->context->path);
} else {
return array(); // no courses!
$CFG->coursemanager = trim($CFG->coursemanager);
if (empty($CFG->coursemanager)) {
return $courses;
$managerroles = split(',', $CFG->coursemanager);
$catctxids = '';
if (count($managerroles)) {
if ($allcats === true) {
$catpaths = array_unique($catpaths);
$ctxids = array();
foreach ($catpaths as $cpath) {
$ctxids = array_merge($ctxids, explode('/',substr($cpath,1)));
$ctxids = array_unique($ctxids);
$catctxids = implode( ',' , $ctxids);
} else {
// take the ctx path from the first course
// as all categories will be the same...
$catpath = substr($catpath,1);
$catpath = preg_replace(':/\d+$:','',$catpath);
$catctxids = str_replace('/',',',$catpath);
if ($categoryclause !== '') {
$categoryclause = "AND $categoryclause";
* Note: Here we use a LEFT OUTER JOIN that can
* "optionally" match to avoid passing a ton of context
* ids in an IN() clause. Perhaps a subselect is faster.
* In any case, this SQL is not-so-nice over large sets of
* courses with no $categoryclause.
$sql = "SELECT ctx.path, ctx.instanceid, ctx.contextlevel,
r.id AS roleid, r.name as rolename,
u.id AS userid, u.firstname, u.lastname
FROM {$CFG->prefix}role_assignments ra
JOIN {$CFG->prefix}context ctx
ON ra.contextid = ctx.id
JOIN {$CFG->prefix}user u
ON ra.userid = u.id
JOIN {$CFG->prefix}role r
ON ra.roleid = r.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}course c
ON (ctx.instanceid=c.id AND ctx.contextlevel=".CONTEXT_COURSE.")
OR ra.contextid IN ($catctxids) )
AND ra.roleid IN ({$CFG->coursemanager})
ORDER BY r.sortorder ASC, ctx.contextlevel ASC, ra.sortorder ASC";
$rs = get_recordset_sql($sql);
// This loop is fairly stupid as it stands - might get better
// results doing an initial pass clustering RAs by path.
while ($ra = rs_fetch_next_record($rs)) {
$user = new StdClass;
$user->id = $ra->userid; unset($ra->userid);
$user->firstname = $ra->firstname; unset($ra->firstname);
$user->lastname = $ra->lastname; unset($ra->lastname);
$ra->user = $user;
if ($ra->contextlevel == CONTEXT_SYSTEM) {
foreach ($courses as $k => $course) {
$courses[$k]->managers[] = $ra;
} elseif ($ra->contextlevel == CONTEXT_COURSECAT) {
if ($allcats === false) {
// It always applies
foreach ($courses as $k => $course) {
$courses[$k]->managers[] = $ra;
} else {
foreach ($courses as $k => $course) {
// Note that strpos() returns 0 as "matched at pos 0"
if (strpos($course->context->path, $ra->path.'/')===0) {
// Only add it to subpaths
$courses[$k]->managers[] = $ra;
} else { // course-level
if(!array_key_exists($ra->instanceid, $courses)) {
//this course is not in a list, probably a frontpage course
$courses[$ra->instanceid]->managers[] = $ra;
return $courses;
* Convenience function - lists courses that a user has access to view.
* For admins and others with access to "every" course in the system, we should
* try to get courses with explicit RAs.
* NOTE: this function is heavily geared towards the perspective of the user
* passed in $userid. So it will hide courses that the user cannot see
* (for any reason) even if called from cron or from another $USER's
* perspective.
* If you really want to know what courses are assigned to the user,
* without any hiding or scheming, call the lower-level
* get_user_courses_bycap().
* Notes inherited from get_user_courses_bycap():
* - $fields is an array of fieldnames to ADD
* so name the fields you really need, which will
* be added and uniq'd
* - the course records have $c->context which is a fully
* valid context object. Saves you a query per course!
* @uses $CFG,$USER
* @param int $userid The user of interest
* @param string $sort the sortorder in the course table
* @param array $fields - names of _additional_ fields to return (also accepts a string)
* @param bool $doanything True if using the doanything flag
* @param int $limit Maximum number of records to return, or 0 for unlimited
* @return array {@link $COURSE} of course objects
function get_my_courses($userid, $sort='visible DESC,sortorder ASC', $fields=NULL, $doanything=false,$limit=0) {
global $CFG,$USER;
// Guest's do not have any courses
$sitecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM, SITEID);
if (has_capability('moodle/legacy:guest',$sitecontext,$userid,false)) {
$basefields = array('id', 'category', 'sortorder',
'shortname', 'fullname', 'idnumber',
'teacher', 'teachers', 'student', 'students',
'guest', 'startdate', 'visible',
'newsitems', 'cost', 'enrol',
'groupmode', 'groupmodeforce');
if (!is_null($fields) && is_string($fields)) {
if (empty($fields)) {
$fields = $basefields;
} else {
// turn the fields from a string to an array that
// get_user_courses_bycap() will like...
$fields = explode(',',$fields);
$fields = array_map('trim', $fields);
$fields = array_unique(array_merge($basefields, $fields));
} elseif (is_array($fields)) {
$fields = array_unique(array_merge($basefields, $fields));
} else {
$fields = $basefields;
$orderby = '';
$sort = trim($sort);
if (!empty($sort)) {
$orderby = "ORDER BY $sort";
// Logged-in user - Check cached courses
// NOTE! it's a _string_ because
// - it's all we'll ever use
// - it serialises much more compact than an array
// this a big concern here - cost of serialise
// and unserialise gets huge as the session grows
// If the courses are too many - it won't be set
// for large numbers of courses, caching in the session
// has marginal benefits (costs too much, not
// worthwhile...) and we may hit SQL parser limits
// because we use IN()
if ($userid === $USER->id) {
if (isset($USER->loginascontext)
&& $USER->loginascontext->contextlevel == CONTEXT_COURSE) {
// list _only_ this course
// anything else is asking for trouble...
$courseids = $USER->loginascontext->instanceid;
} elseif (isset($USER->mycourses)
&& is_string($USER->mycourses)) {
if ($USER->mycourses === '') {
// empty str means: user has no courses
// ... so do the easy thing...
return array();
} else {
$courseids = $USER->mycourses;
if (isset($courseids)) {
// The data massaging here MUST be kept in sync with
// get_user_courses_bycap() so we return
// the same...
// (but here we don't need to check has_cap)
$coursefields = 'c.' .join(',c.', $fields);
$sql = "SELECT $coursefields,
ctx.id AS ctxid, ctx.path AS ctxpath,
ctx.depth as ctxdepth, ctx.contextlevel AS ctxlevel,
cc.path AS categorypath
FROM {$CFG->prefix}course c
JOIN {$CFG->prefix}course_categories cc
ON c.category=cc.id
JOIN {$CFG->prefix}context ctx
ON (c.id=ctx.instanceid AND ctx.contextlevel=".CONTEXT_COURSE.")
WHERE c.id IN ($courseids)
$rs = get_recordset_sql($sql);
$courses = array();
$cc = 0; // keep count
while ($c = rs_fetch_next_record($rs)) {
// build the context obj
$c = make_context_subobj($c);
$courses[$c->id] = $c;
if ($limit > 0 && $cc++ > $limit) {
return $courses;
// Non-cached - get accessinfo
if ($userid === $USER->id && isset($USER->access)) {
$accessinfo = $USER->access;
} else {
$accessinfo = get_user_access_sitewide($userid);
$courses = get_user_courses_bycap($userid, 'moodle/course:view', $accessinfo,
$doanything, $sort, $fields,
$cats = NULL;
// If we have to walk category visibility
// to eval course visibility, get the categories
if (empty($CFG->allowvisiblecoursesinhiddencategories)) {
$sql = "SELECT cc.id, cc.path, cc.visible,
ctx.id AS ctxid, ctx.path AS ctxpath,
ctx.depth as ctxdepth, ctx.contextlevel AS ctxlevel
FROM {$CFG->prefix}course_categories cc
JOIN {$CFG->prefix}context ctx ON (cc.id = ctx.instanceid)
WHERE ctx.contextlevel = ".CONTEXT_COURSECAT."
ORDER BY cc.id";
$rs = get_recordset_sql($sql);
// Using a temporary array instead of $cats here, to avoid a "true" result when isnull($cats) further down
$categories = array();
while ($course_cat = rs_fetch_next_record($rs)) {
// build the context obj
$course_cat = make_context_subobj($course_cat);
$categories[$course_cat->id] = $course_cat;
if (!empty($categories)) {
$cats = $categories;
// Strangely, get_my_courses() is expected to return the
// array keyed on id, which messes up the sorting
// So do that, and also cache the ids in the session if appropriate
$kcourses = array();
$courses_count = count($courses);
$cacheids = NULL;
$vcatpaths = array();
if ($userid === $USER->id && $courses_count < 500) {
$cacheids = array();
for ($n=0; $n<$courses_count; $n++) {
// Check whether $USER (not $userid) can _actually_ see them
// Easy if $CFG->allowvisiblecoursesinhiddencategories
// is set, and we don't have to care about categories.
// Lots of work otherwise... (all in mem though!)
$cansee = false;
if (is_null($cats)) { // easy rules!
if ($courses[$n]->visible == true) {
$cansee = true;
} elseif (has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddencourses',
$courses[$n]->context, $USER->id)) {
$cansee = true;
} else {
// Is the cat visible?
// we have to assume it _is_ visible
// so we can shortcut when we find a hidden one
$viscat = true;
$cpath = $courses[$n]->categorypath;
if (isset($vcatpaths[$cpath])) {
$viscat = $vcatpaths[$cpath];
} else {
$cpath = substr($cpath,1); // kill leading slash
$cpath = explode('/',$cpath);
$ccct = count($cpath);
for ($m=0;$m<$ccct;$m++) {
$ccid = $cpath[$m];
if ($cats[$ccid]->visible==false) {
$viscat = false;
$vcatpaths[$courses[$n]->categorypath] = $viscat;
// Perhaps it's actually visible to $USER
// check moodle/category:visibility
// The name isn't obvious, but the description says
// "See hidden categories" so the user shall see...
// But also check if the allowvisiblecoursesinhiddencategories setting is true, and check for course visibility
if ($viscat === false) {
$catctx = $cats[$courses[$n]->category]->context;
if (has_capability('moodle/category:visibility', $catctx, $USER->id)) {
$vcatpaths[$courses[$n]->categorypath] = true;
$viscat = true;
} elseif ($CFG->allowvisiblecoursesinhiddencategories && $courses[$n]->visible == true) {
$viscat = true;
// Decision matrix
if ($viscat === true) {
if ($courses[$n]->visible == true) {
$cansee = true;
} elseif (has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddencourses',
$courses[$n]->context, $USER->id)) {
$cansee = true;
if ($cansee === true) {
$kcourses[$courses[$n]->id] = $courses[$n];
if (is_array($cacheids)) {
$cacheids[] = $courses[$n]->id;
if (is_array($cacheids)) {
// Only happens
// - for the logged in user
// - below the threshold (500)
// empty string is _valid_
$USER->mycourses = join(',',$cacheids);
} elseif ($userid === $USER->id && isset($USER->mycourses)) {
// cheap sanity check
return $kcourses;
* A list of courses that match a search
* @uses $CFG
* @param array $searchterms ?
* @param string $sort ?
* @param int $page ?
* @param int $recordsperpage ?
* @param int $totalcount Passed in by reference. ?
* @return object {@link $COURSE} records
function get_courses_search($searchterms, $sort='fullname ASC', $page=0, $recordsperpage=50, &$totalcount) {
global $CFG;
//to allow case-insensitive search for postgesql
if ($CFG->dbfamily == 'postgres') {
$NOTLIKE = 'NOT ILIKE'; // case-insensitive
$REGEXP = '~*';
$NOTREGEXP = '!~*';
} else {
$fullnamesearch = '';
$summarysearch = '';
foreach ($searchterms as $searchterm) {
/// Under Oracle and MSSQL, trim the + and - operators and perform
/// simpler LIKE search
if ($CFG->dbfamily == 'oracle' || $CFG->dbfamily == 'mssql') {
$searchterm = trim($searchterm, '+-');
if ($fullnamesearch) {
$fullnamesearch .= ' AND ';
if ($summarysearch) {
$summarysearch .= ' AND ';
if (substr($searchterm,0,1) == '+') {
$searchterm = substr($searchterm,1);
$summarysearch .= " c.summary $REGEXP '(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])$searchterm([^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)' ";
$fullnamesearch .= " c.fullname $REGEXP '(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])$searchterm([^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)' ";
} else if (substr($searchterm,0,1) == "-") {
$searchterm = substr($searchterm,1);
$summarysearch .= " c.summary $NOTREGEXP '(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])$searchterm([^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)' ";
$fullnamesearch .= " c.fullname $NOTREGEXP '(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])$searchterm([^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)' ";
} else {
$summarysearch .= ' c.summary '. $LIKE .' \'%'. $searchterm .'%\' ';
$fullnamesearch .= ' c.fullname '. $LIKE .' \'%'. $searchterm .'%\' ';
$sql = "SELECT c.*,
ctx.id AS ctxid, ctx.path AS ctxpath,
ctx.depth AS ctxdepth, ctx.contextlevel AS ctxlevel
FROM {$CFG->prefix}course c
JOIN {$CFG->prefix}context ctx
ON (c.id = ctx.instanceid AND ctx.contextlevel=".CONTEXT_COURSE.")
WHERE ( $fullnamesearch OR $summarysearch )
AND category > 0
ORDER BY " . $sort;
$courses = array();
if ($rs = get_recordset_sql($sql)) {
// Tiki pagination
$limitfrom = $page * $recordsperpage;
$limitto = $limitfrom + $recordsperpage;
$c = 0; // counts how many visible courses we've seen
while ($course = rs_fetch_next_record($rs)) {
$course = make_context_subobj($course);
if ($course->visible || has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddencourses', $course->context)) {
// Don't exit this loop till the end
// we need to count all the visible courses
// to update $totalcount
if ($c >= $limitfrom && $c < $limitto) {
$courses[] = $course;
// our caller expects 2 bits of data - our return
// array, and an updated $totalcount
$totalcount = $c;
return $courses;
* Returns a sorted list of categories. Each category object has a context
* property that is a context object.
* When asking for $parent='none' it will return all the categories, regardless
* of depth. Wheen asking for a specific parent, the default is to return
* a "shallow" resultset. Pass false to $shallow and it will return all
* the child categories as well.
* @param string $parent The parent category if any
* @param string $sort the sortorder
* @param bool $shallow - set to false to get the children too
* @return array of categories
function get_categories($parent='none', $sort=NULL, $shallow=true) {
global $CFG;
if ($sort === NULL) {
$sort = 'ORDER BY cc.sortorder ASC';
} elseif ($sort ==='') {
// leave it as empty
} else {
$sort = "ORDER BY $sort";
if ($parent === 'none') {
$sql = "SELECT cc.*,
ctx.id AS ctxid, ctx.path AS ctxpath,
ctx.depth AS ctxdepth, ctx.contextlevel AS ctxlevel
FROM {$CFG->prefix}course_categories cc
JOIN {$CFG->prefix}context ctx
ON cc.id=ctx.instanceid AND ctx.contextlevel=".CONTEXT_COURSECAT."
} elseif ($shallow) {
$parent = (int)$parent;
$sql = "SELECT cc.*,
ctx.id AS ctxid, ctx.path AS ctxpath,
ctx.depth AS ctxdepth, ctx.contextlevel AS ctxlevel
FROM {$CFG->prefix}course_categories cc
JOIN {$CFG->prefix}context ctx
ON cc.id=ctx.instanceid AND ctx.contextlevel=".CONTEXT_COURSECAT."
WHERE cc.parent=$parent
} else {
$parent = (int)$parent;
$sql = "SELECT cc.*,
ctx.id AS ctxid, ctx.path AS ctxpath,
ctx.depth AS ctxdepth, ctx.contextlevel AS ctxlevel
FROM {$CFG->prefix}course_categories cc
JOIN {$CFG->prefix}context ctx
ON cc.id=ctx.instanceid AND ctx.contextlevel=".CONTEXT_COURSECAT."
JOIN {$CFG->prefix}course_categories ccp
ON (cc.path LIKE ".sql_concat('ccp.path',"'%'").")
WHERE ccp.id=$parent
$categories = array();
if( $rs = get_recordset_sql($sql) ){
while ($cat = rs_fetch_next_record($rs)) {
$cat = make_context_subobj($cat);
if ($cat->visible || has_capability('moodle/course:create',$cat->context)) {
$categories[$cat->id] = $cat;
return $categories;
* Returns an array of category ids of all the subcategories for a given
* category.
* @param $catid - The id of the category whose subcategories we want to find.
* @return array of category ids.
function get_all_subcategories($catid) {
$subcats = array();
if ($categories = get_records('course_categories', 'parent', $catid)) {
foreach ($categories as $cat) {
array_push($subcats, $cat->id);
$subcats = array_merge($subcats, get_all_subcategories($cat->id));
return $subcats;
* This recursive function makes sure that the courseorder is consecutive
* @param type description
* $n is the starting point, offered only for compatilibity -- will be ignored!
* $safe (bool) prevents it from assuming category-sortorder is unique, used to upgrade
* safely from 1.4 to 1.5
function fix_course_sortorder($categoryid=0, $n=0, $safe=0, $depth=0, $path='') {
global $CFG;
$count = 0;
$catgap = 1000; // "standard" category gap
$tolerance = 200; // how "close" categories can get
if ($categoryid > 0){
// update depth and path
$cat = get_record('course_categories', 'id', $categoryid);
if ($cat->parent == 0) {
$depth = 0;
$path = '';
} else if ($depth == 0 ) { // doesn't make sense; get from DB
// this is only called if the $depth parameter looks dodgy
$parent = get_record('course_categories', 'id', $cat->parent);
$path = $parent->path;
$depth = $parent->depth;
$path = $path . '/' . $categoryid;
$depth = $depth + 1;
if ($cat->path !== $path) {
set_field('course_categories', 'path', addslashes($path), 'id', $categoryid);
if ($cat->depth != $depth) {
set_field('course_categories', 'depth', $depth, 'id', $categoryid);
// get some basic info about courses in the category
$info = get_record_sql('SELECT MIN(sortorder) AS min,
MAX(sortorder) AS max,
COUNT(sortorder) AS count
FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'course
WHERE category=' . $categoryid);
if (is_object($info)) { // no courses?
$max = $info->max;
$count = $info->count;
$min = $info->min;
if ($categoryid > 0 && $n==0) { // only passed category so don't shift it
$n = $min;
// $hasgap flag indicates whether there's a gap in the sequence
$hasgap = false;
if ($max-$min+1 != $count) {
$hasgap = true;
// $mustshift indicates whether the sequence must be shifted to
// meet its range
$mustshift = false;
if ($min < $n+$tolerance || $min > $n+$tolerance+$catgap ) {
$mustshift = true;
// actually sort only if there are courses,
// and we meet one ofthe triggers:
// - safe flag
// - they are not in a continuos block
// - they are too close to the 'bottom'
if ($count && ( $safe || $hasgap || $mustshift ) ) {
// special, optimized case where all we need is to shift
if ( $mustshift && !$safe && !$hasgap) {
$shift = $n + $catgap - $min;
if ($shift < $count) {
$shift = $count + $catgap;
// UPDATE course SET sortorder=sortorder+$shift
execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}course
SET sortorder=sortorder+$shift
WHERE category=$categoryid", 0);
$n = $n + $catgap + $count;
} else { // do it slowly
$n = $n + $catgap;
// if the new sequence overlaps the current sequence, lack of transactions
// will stop us -- shift things aside for a moment...
if ($safe || ($n >= $min && $n+$count+1 < $min && $CFG->dbfamily==='mysql')) {
$shift = $max + $n + 1000;
execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}course
SET sortorder=sortorder+$shift
WHERE category=$categoryid", 0);
$courses = get_courses($categoryid, 'c.sortorder ASC', 'c.id,c.sortorder');
$tx = true; // transaction sanity
foreach ($courses as $course) {
if ($tx && $course->sortorder != $n ) { // save db traffic
$tx = $tx && set_field('course', 'sortorder', $n,
'id', $course->id);
if ($tx) {
} else {
if (!$safe) {
// if we failed when called with !safe, try
// to recover calling self with safe=true
return fix_course_sortorder($categoryid, $n, true, $depth, $path);
set_field('course_categories', 'coursecount', $count, 'id', $categoryid);
// $n could need updating
$max = get_field_sql("SELECT MAX(sortorder) from {$CFG->prefix}course WHERE category=$categoryid");
if ($max > $n) {
$n = $max;
if ($categories = get_categories($categoryid)) {
foreach ($categories as $category) {
$n = fix_course_sortorder($category->id, $n, $safe, $depth, $path);
return $n+1;
* Ensure all courses have a valid course category
* useful if a category has been removed manually
function fix_coursecategory_orphans() {
global $CFG;
// Note: the handling of sortorder here is arguably
// open to race conditions. Hard to fix here, unlikely
// to hit anyone in production.
$sql = "SELECT c.id, c.category, c.shortname
FROM {$CFG->prefix}course c
LEFT OUTER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}course_categories cc ON c.category=cc.id
WHERE cc.id IS NULL AND c.id != " . SITEID;
$rs = get_recordset_sql($sql);
if (!rs_EOF($rs)) { // we have some orphans
// the "default" category is the lowest numbered...
$default = get_field_sql("SELECT MIN(id)
FROM {$CFG->prefix}course_categories");
$sortorder = get_field_sql("SELECT MAX(sortorder)
FROM {$CFG->prefix}course
WHERE category=$default");
$tx = true;
while ($tx && $course = rs_fetch_next_record($rs)) {
$tx = $tx && set_field('course', 'category', $default, 'id', $course->id);
$tx = $tx && set_field('course', 'sortorder', ++$sortorder, 'id', $course->id);
if ($tx) {
} else {
* List of remote courses that a user has access to via MNET.
* Works only on the IDP
* @uses $CFG, $USER
* @return array {@link $COURSE} of course objects
function get_my_remotecourses($userid=0) {
global $CFG, $USER;
if (empty($userid)) {
$userid = $USER->id;
$sql = "SELECT c.remoteid, c.shortname, c.fullname,
c.hostid, c.summary, c.cat_name,
h.name AS hostname
FROM {$CFG->prefix}mnet_enrol_course c
JOIN {$CFG->prefix}mnet_enrol_assignments a ON c.id=a.courseid
JOIN {$CFG->prefix}mnet_host h ON c.hostid=h.id
WHERE a.userid={$userid}";
return get_records_sql($sql);
* List of remote hosts that a user has access to via MNET.
* Works on the SP
* @uses $CFG, $USER
* @return array of host objects
function get_my_remotehosts() {
global $CFG, $USER;
if ($USER->mnethostid == $CFG->mnet_localhost_id) {
return false; // Return nothing on the IDP
if (!empty($USER->mnet_foreign_host_array) && is_array($USER->mnet_foreign_host_array)) {
return $USER->mnet_foreign_host_array;
return false;
* This function creates a default separated/connected scale
* This function creates a default separated/connected scale
* so there's something in the database. The locations of
* strings and files is a bit odd, but this is because we
* need to maintain backward compatibility with many different
* existing language translations and older sites.
* @uses $CFG
function make_default_scale() {
global $CFG;
$defaultscale = NULL;
$defaultscale->courseid = 0;
$defaultscale->userid = 0;
$defaultscale->name = get_string('separateandconnected');
$defaultscale->scale = get_string('postrating1', 'forum').','.
get_string('postrating2', 'forum').','.
get_string('postrating3', 'forum');
$defaultscale->timemodified = time();
/// Read in the big description from the file. Note this is not
/// HTML (despite the file extension) but Moodle format text.
$parentlang = get_string('parentlang');
if (is_readable($CFG->dataroot .'/lang/'. $CFG->lang .'/help/forum/ratings.html')) {
$file = file($CFG->dataroot .'/lang/'. $CFG->lang .'/help/forum/ratings.html');
} else if (is_readable($CFG->dirroot .'/lang/'. $CFG->lang .'/help/forum/ratings.html')) {
$file = file($CFG->dirroot .'/lang/'. $CFG->lang .'/help/forum/ratings.html');
} else if ($parentlang and is_readable($CFG->dataroot .'/lang/'. $parentlang .'/help/forum/ratings.html')) {
$file = file($CFG->dataroot .'/lang/'. $parentlang .'/help/forum/ratings.html');
} else if ($parentlang and is_readable($CFG->dirroot .'/lang/'. $parentlang .'/help/forum/ratings.html')) {
$file = file($CFG->dirroot .'/lang/'. $parentlang .'/help/forum/ratings.html');
} else if (is_readable($CFG->dirroot .'/lang/en_utf8/help/forum/ratings.html')) {
$file = file($CFG->dirroot .'/lang/en_utf8/help/forum/ratings.html');
} else {
$file = '';
$defaultscale->description = addslashes(implode('', $file));
if ($defaultscale->id = insert_record('scale', $defaultscale)) {
execute_sql('UPDATE '. $CFG->prefix .'forum SET scale = \''. $defaultscale->id .'\'', false);
* Returns a menu of all available scales from the site as well as the given course
* @uses $CFG
* @param int $courseid The id of the course as found in the 'course' table.
* @return object
function get_scales_menu($courseid=0) {
global $CFG;
$sql = "SELECT id, name FROM {$CFG->prefix}scale
WHERE courseid = '0' or courseid = '$courseid'
ORDER BY courseid ASC, name ASC";
if ($scales = get_records_sql_menu($sql)) {
return $scales;
return get_records_sql_menu($sql);
* Given a set of timezone records, put them in the database, replacing what is there
* @uses $CFG
* @param array $timezones An array of timezone records
function update_timezone_records($timezones) {
/// Given a set of timezone records, put them in the database
global $CFG;
/// Clear out all the old stuff
execute_sql('TRUNCATE TABLE '.$CFG->prefix.'timezone', false);
/// Insert all the new stuff
foreach ($timezones as $timezone) {
insert_record('timezone', $timezone);
/// MODULE FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Just gets a raw list of all modules in a course
* @uses $CFG
* @param int $courseid The id of the course as found in the 'course' table.
* @return object
function get_course_mods($courseid) {
global $CFG;
if (empty($courseid)) {
return false; // avoid warnings
return get_records_sql("SELECT cm.*, m.name as modname
FROM {$CFG->prefix}modules m,
{$CFG->prefix}course_modules cm
WHERE cm.course = ".intval($courseid)."
AND cm.module = m.id ");
* Given an id of a course module, finds the coursemodule description
* @param string $modulename name of module type, eg. resource, assignment,...
* @param int $cmid course module id (id in course_modules table)
* @param int $courseid optional course id for extra validation
* @return object course module instance with instance and module name
function get_coursemodule_from_id($modulename, $cmid, $courseid=0) {
global $CFG;
$courseselect = ($courseid) ? 'cm.course = '.intval($courseid).' AND ' : '';
return get_record_sql("SELECT cm.*, m.name, md.name as modname
FROM {$CFG->prefix}course_modules cm,
{$CFG->prefix}modules md,
{$CFG->prefix}$modulename m
WHERE $courseselect
cm.id = ".intval($cmid)." AND
cm.instance = m.id AND
md.name = '$modulename' AND
md.id = cm.module");
* Given an instance number of a module, finds the coursemodule description
* @param string $modulename name of module type, eg. resource, assignment,...
* @param int $instance module instance number (id in resource, assignment etc. table)
* @param int $courseid optional course id for extra validation
* @return object course module instance with instance and module name
function get_coursemodule_from_instance($modulename, $instance, $courseid=0) {
global $CFG;
$courseselect = ($courseid) ? 'cm.course = '.intval($courseid).' AND ' : '';
return get_record_sql("SELECT cm.*, m.name, md.name as modname
FROM {$CFG->prefix}course_modules cm,
{$CFG->prefix}modules md,
{$CFG->prefix}$modulename m
WHERE $courseselect
cm.instance = m.id AND
md.name = '$modulename' AND
md.id = cm.module AND
m.id = ".intval($instance));
* Returns an array of all the active instances of a particular module in given courses, sorted in the order they are defined
* Returns an array of all the active instances of a particular
* module in given courses, sorted in the order they are defined
* in the course. Returns false on any errors.
* @uses $CFG
* @param string $modulename The name of the module to get instances for
* @param array $courses This depends on an accurate $course->modinfo
* @return array of instances
function get_all_instances_in_courses($modulename, $courses, $userid=NULL, $includeinvisible=false) {
global $CFG;
if (empty($courses) || !is_array($courses) || count($courses) == 0) {
return array();
if (!$rawmods = get_records_sql("SELECT cm.id as coursemodule, m.*,cw.section,cm.visible as visible,cm.groupmode, cm.course
FROM {$CFG->prefix}course_modules cm,
{$CFG->prefix}course_sections cw,
{$CFG->prefix}modules md,
{$CFG->prefix}$modulename m
WHERE cm.course IN (".implode(',',array_keys($courses)).") AND
cm.instance = m.id AND
cm.section = cw.id AND
md.name = '$modulename' AND
md.id = cm.module")) {
return array();
$outputarray = array();
foreach ($courses as $course) {
if ($includeinvisible) {
$invisible = -1;
} else if (has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddencourses', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id), $userid)) {
// Usually hide non-visible instances from students
$invisible = -1;
} else {
$invisible = 0;
/// Casting $course->modinfo to string prevents one notice when the field is null
if (!$modinfo = unserialize((string)$course->modinfo)) {
foreach ($modinfo as $mod) {
if ($mod->mod == $modulename and $mod->visible > $invisible) {
$instance = $rawmods[$mod->cm];
if (!empty($mod->extra)) {
$instance->extra = $mod->extra;
$outputarray[] = $instance;
return $outputarray;
* Returns an array of all the active instances of a particular module in a given course, sorted in the order they are defined
* Returns an array of all the active instances of a particular
* module in a given course, sorted in the order they are defined
* in the course. Returns false on any errors.
* @uses $CFG
* @param string $modulename The name of the module to get instances for
* @param object(course) $course This depends on an accurate $course->modinfo
function get_all_instances_in_course($modulename, $course, $userid=NULL, $includeinvisible=false) {
global $CFG;
if (empty($course->modinfo)) {
return array();
if (!$modinfo = unserialize((string)$course->modinfo)) {
return array();
if (!$rawmods = get_records_sql("SELECT cm.id as coursemodule, m.*,cw.section,cm.visible as visible,cm.groupmode,cm.groupingid
FROM {$CFG->prefix}course_modules cm,
{$CFG->prefix}course_sections cw,
{$CFG->prefix}modules md,
{$CFG->prefix}$modulename m
WHERE cm.course = '$course->id' AND
cm.instance = m.id AND
cm.section = cw.id AND
md.name = '$modulename' AND
md.id = cm.module")) {
return array();
if ($includeinvisible) {
$invisible = -1;
} else if (has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id), $userid)) {
// Usually hide non-visible instances from students
$invisible = -1;
} else {
$invisible = 0;
$outputarray = array();
foreach ($modinfo as $mod) {
$mod->id = $mod->cm;
$mod->course = $course->id;
if (!groups_course_module_visible($mod)) {
if ($mod->mod == $modulename and $mod->visible > $invisible) {
$instance = $rawmods[$mod->cm];
if (!empty($mod->extra)) {
$instance->extra = $mod->extra;
$outputarray[] = $instance;
return $outputarray;
* Determine whether a module instance is visible within a course
* Given a valid module object with info about the id and course,
* and the module's type (eg "forum") returns whether the object
* is visible or not
* @uses $CFG
* @param $moduletype Name of the module eg 'forum'
* @param $module Object which is the instance of the module
* @return bool
function instance_is_visible($moduletype, $module) {
global $CFG;
if (!empty($module->id)) {
if ($records = get_records_sql("SELECT cm.instance, cm.visible, cm.groupingid, cm.id, cm.groupmembersonly, cm.course
FROM {$CFG->prefix}course_modules cm,
{$CFG->prefix}modules m
WHERE cm.course = '$module->course' AND
cm.module = m.id AND
m.name = '$moduletype' AND
cm.instance = '$module->id'")) {
foreach ($records as $record) { // there should only be one - use the first one
return $record->visible && groups_course_module_visible($record);
return true; // visible by default!
/// LOG FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Add an entry to the log table.
* Add an entry to the log table. These are "action" focussed rather
* than web server hits, and provide a way to easily reconstruct what
* any particular student has been doing.
* @uses $CFG
* @uses $USER
* @uses $db
* @uses $REMOTE_ADDR
* @uses SITEID
* @param int $courseid The course id
* @param string $module The module name - e.g. forum, journal, resource, course, user etc
* @param string $action 'view', 'update', 'add' or 'delete', possibly followed by another word to clarify.
* @param string $url The file and parameters used to see the results of the action
* @param string $info Additional description information
* @param string $cm The course_module->id if there is one
* @param string $user If log regards $user other than $USER
function add_to_log($courseid, $module, $action, $url='', $info='', $cm=0, $user=0) {
// Note that this function intentionally does not follow the normal Moodle DB access idioms.
// This is for a good reason: it is the most frequently used DB update function,
// so it has been optimised for speed.
global $db, $CFG, $USER;
if ($cm === '' || is_null($cm)) { // postgres won't translate empty string to its default
$cm = 0;
if ($user) {
$userid = $user;
} else {
if (!empty($USER->realuser)) { // Don't log
$userid = empty($USER->id) ? '0' : $USER->id;
$REMOTE_ADDR = getremoteaddr();
$timenow = time();
$info = addslashes($info);
if (!empty($url)) { // could break doing html_entity_decode on an empty var.
$url = html_entity_decode($url); // for php < 4.3.0 this is defined in moodlelib.php
if (defined('MDL_PERFDB')) { global $PERF ; $PERF->dbqueries++; $PERF->logwrites++;};
if ($CFG->type = 'oci8po') {
if (empty($info)) {
$info = ' ';
$result = $db->Execute('INSERT INTO '. $CFG->prefix .'log (time, userid, course, ip, module, cmid, action, url, info)
VALUES (' . "'$timenow', '$userid', '$courseid', '$REMOTE_ADDR', '$module', '$cm', '$action', '$url', '$info')");
// MDL-11893, alert $CFG->supportemail if insert into log failed
if (!$result && $CFG->supportemail) {
$site = get_site();
$subject = 'Insert into log failed at your moodle site '.$site->fullname;
$message = 'Insert into log table failed at '.date('l dS \of F Y h:i:s A').'. It is possible that your disk is full.';
// email_to_user is not usable because email_to_user tries to write to the logs table, and this will get caught
// in an infinite loop, if disk is full
mail($CFG->supportemail, $subject, $message);
if (!$result and debugging()) {
echo '<p>Error: Could not insert a new entry to the Moodle log</p>'; // Don't throw an error
/// Store lastaccess times for the current user, do not use in cron and other commandline scripts
/// only update the lastaccess/timeaccess fields only once every 60s
if (!empty($USER->id) && ($userid == $USER->id) && !defined('FULLME')) {
$res = $db->Execute('UPDATE '. $CFG->prefix .'user
SET lastip=\''. $REMOTE_ADDR .'\', lastaccess=\''. $timenow .'\'
WHERE id = \''. $userid .'\' AND '.$timenow.' - lastaccess > 60');
if (!$res) {
debugging('<p>Error: Could not insert a new entry to the Moodle log</p>'); // Don't throw an error
if ($courseid != SITEID && !empty($courseid)) {
if (defined('MDL_PERFDB')) { global $PERF ; $PERF->dbqueries++;};
if ($ulid = get_field('user_lastaccess', 'id', 'userid', $userid, 'courseid', $courseid)) {
$res = $db->Execute("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}user_lastaccess
SET timeaccess=$timenow
WHERE id = $ulid AND $timenow - timeaccess > 60");
if (!$res) {
debugging('Error: Could not insert a new entry to the Moodle log'); // Don't throw an error
} else {
$res = $db->Execute("INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}user_lastaccess
( userid, courseid, timeaccess)
VALUES ($userid, $courseid, $timenow)");
if (!$res) {
debugging('Error: Could not insert a new entry to the Moodle log'); // Don't throw an error
if (defined('MDL_PERFDB')) { global $PERF ; $PERF->dbqueries++;};
* Select all log records based on SQL criteria
* @uses $CFG
* @param string $select SQL select criteria
* @param string $order SQL order by clause to sort the records returned
* @param string $limitfrom ?
* @param int $limitnum ?
* @param int $totalcount Passed in by reference.
* @return object
* @todo Finish documenting this function
function get_logs($select, $order='l.time DESC', $limitfrom='', $limitnum='', &$totalcount) {
global $CFG;
if ($order) {
$order = 'ORDER BY '. $order;
$selectsql = $CFG->prefix .'log l LEFT JOIN '. $CFG->prefix .'user u ON l.userid = u.id '. ((strlen($select) > 0) ? 'WHERE '. $select : '');
$countsql = $CFG->prefix.'log l '.((strlen($select) > 0) ? ' WHERE '. $select : '');
$totalcount = count_records_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $countsql");
return get_records_sql('SELECT l.*, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.picture
FROM '. $selectsql .' '. $order, $limitfrom, $limitnum) ;
* Select all log records for a given course and user
* @uses $CFG
* @uses DAYSECS
* @param int $userid The id of the user as found in the 'user' table.
* @param int $courseid The id of the course as found in the 'course' table.
* @param string $coursestart ?
* @todo Finish documenting this function
function get_logs_usercourse($userid, $courseid, $coursestart) {
global $CFG;
if ($courseid) {
$courseselect = ' AND course = \''. $courseid .'\' ';
} else {
$courseselect = '';
return get_records_sql("SELECT floor((time - $coursestart)/". DAYSECS .") as day, count(*) as num
FROM {$CFG->prefix}log
WHERE userid = '$userid'
AND time > '$coursestart' $courseselect
GROUP BY floor((time - $coursestart)/". DAYSECS .") ");
* Select all log records for a given course, user, and day
* @uses $CFG
* @uses HOURSECS
* @param int $userid The id of the user as found in the 'user' table.
* @param int $courseid The id of the course as found in the 'course' table.
* @param string $daystart ?
* @return object
* @todo Finish documenting this function
function get_logs_userday($userid, $courseid, $daystart) {
global $CFG;
if ($courseid) {
$courseselect = ' AND course = \''. $courseid .'\' ';
} else {
$courseselect = '';
return get_records_sql("SELECT floor((time - $daystart)/". HOURSECS .") as hour, count(*) as num
FROM {$CFG->prefix}log
WHERE userid = '$userid'
AND time > '$daystart' $courseselect
GROUP BY floor((time - $daystart)/". HOURSECS .") ");
* Returns an object with counts of failed login attempts
* Returns information about failed login attempts. If the current user is
* an admin, then two numbers are returned: the number of attempts and the
* number of accounts. For non-admins, only the attempts on the given user
* are shown.
* @param string $mode Either 'admin', 'teacher' or 'everybody'
* @param string $username The username we are searching for
* @param string $lastlogin The date from which we are searching
* @return int
function count_login_failures($mode, $username, $lastlogin) {
$select = 'module=\'login\' AND action=\'error\' AND time > '. $lastlogin;
if (has_capability('moodle/site:config', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM, SITEID))) { // Return information about all accounts
if ($count->attempts = count_records_select('log', $select)) {
$count->accounts = count_records_select('log', $select, 'COUNT(DISTINCT info)');
return $count;
} else if ($mode == 'everybody' or ($mode == 'teacher' and isteacherinanycourse())) {
if ($count->attempts = count_records_select('log', $select .' AND info = \''. $username .'\'')) {
return $count;
return NULL;
/// GENERAL HELPFUL THINGS ///////////////////////////////////
* Dump a given object's information in a PRE block.
* Mostly just used for debugging.
* @param mixed $object The data to be printed
function print_object($object) {
echo '<pre class="notifytiny">' . htmlspecialchars(print_r($object,true)) . '</pre>';
* Check whether a course is visible through its parents
* path.
* Notes:
* - All we need from the course is ->category. _However_
* if the course object has a categorypath property,
* we'll save a dbquery
* - If we return false, you'll still need to check if
* the user can has the 'moodle/category:visibility'
* capability...
* - Will generate 2 DB calls.
* - It does have a small local cache, however...
* - Do NOT call this over many courses as it'll generate
* DB traffic. Instead, see what get_my_courses() does.
* @param mixed $object A course object
* @return bool
function course_parent_visible($course = null) {
global $CFG;
//return true;
static $mycache;
if (!is_object($course)) {
return true;
if (!empty($CFG->allowvisiblecoursesinhiddencategories)) {
return true;
if (!isset($mycache)) {
$mycache = array();
} else {
// cast to force assoc array
$k = (string)$course->category;
if (isset($mycache[$k])) {
return $mycache[$k];
if (isset($course->categorypath)) {
$path = $course->categorypath;
} else {
$path = get_field('course_categories', 'path',
'id', $course->category);
$catids = substr($path,1); // strip leading slash
$catids = str_replace('/',',',$catids);
$sql = "SELECT MIN(visible)
FROM {$CFG->prefix}course_categories
WHERE id IN ($catids)";
$vis = get_field_sql($sql);
// cast to force assoc array
$k = (string)$course->category;
$mycache[$k] = $vis;
return $vis;
* This function is the official hook inside XMLDB stuff to delegate its debug to one
* external function.
* Any script can avoid calls to this function by defining XMLDB_SKIP_DEBUG_HOOK before
* using XMLDB classes. Obviously, also, if this function doesn't exist, it isn't invoked ;-)
* @param $message string contains the error message
* @param $object object XMLDB object that fired the debug
function xmldb_debug($message, $object) {
debugging($message, DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
* true or false function to see if user can create any courses at all
* @return bool
function user_can_create_courses() {
global $USER;
// if user has course creation capability at any site or course cat, then return true;
if (has_capability('moodle/course:create', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM, SITEID))) {
return true;
} else {
return (bool) count(get_creatable_categories());
* get the list of categories the current user can create courses in
* @return array
function get_creatable_categories() {
$creatablecats = array();
if ($cats = get_records('course_categories')) {
foreach ($cats as $cat) {
if (has_capability('moodle/course:create', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSECAT, $cat->id))) {
$creatablecats[$cat->id] = $cat->name;
return $creatablecats;
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