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synced 2025-02-24 03:53:49 +01:00
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39 lines
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39 lines
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<?PHP // $Id$
// install.php - created with Moodle 1.5 UNSTABLE DEVELOPMENT (2005010100)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'ãÌáÏ ÇáÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáãÍÏÏ ÛíÑ ÕÍíÍ';
$string['admindirname'] = 'ãÌáÏ ÇáÅÏÇÑÉ';
$string['caution'] = 'ÊÍÐíÑ';
$string['chooselanguage'] = 'ÇÎÊÑ ÇááÛÉ';
$string['compatibilitysettings'] = 'ÃÝÍÕ ÅÚÏÇÏÇÊ ÇáÜ PHP';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'Êã ÇäÔÇÁ ãáÝ config.php ÈäÌÇÍ';
$string['configurationcomplete'] = 'Êã ÚãáíÉ ÇáÅÚÏÇÏ';
$string['database'] = 'ÞÇÚÏÉ ÈíÇäÇÊ';
$string['dataroot'] = 'ãÚáæãÇÊ';
$string['datarooterror'] = 'ÅÚÏÇÏ ÇáãÚáæãÇÊ ÛíÑ ÕÍíÍ';
$string['dbhost'] = 'ÇáÎÇÏã ÇáãÖíÝ';
$string['dbpass'] = 'ßáãÉ ãÑæÑ';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'ãÞÏãÉ ÇáÌÏÇæá';
$string['dbtype'] = 'äæÚ';
$string['dirroot'] = 'ãÌáÏ';
$string['dirrooterror'] = 'ÅÚÏÇÏøøø\"ÇáãÌáÏ\" ÛíÑ ÕÍíÍ. ÍÇæá ÅÚÇÏÉ ÇáÅÚÏÇÏ';
$string['download'] = 'ÊäÒíá';
$string['fail'] = 'ÝÔá';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'ÊÍãíá ãáÝ';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'åÐÇ íÌÈ Ãä íßæä äÔØ';
$string['gdversion'] = 'ÃÕÏÇÑ Ìí Ïí';
$string['installation'] = 'ÊËÈíÊ';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'åÐÇ íÌÈ Çä íßæä ãÚØá';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'ÍÏ ÇáÐÇßÑÉ';
$string['pass'] = 'ÇÌÊíÇÒ';
$string['phpversion'] = 'ÃÕÏÇÑ PHP';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'íÌÈ Çä íßæä ÅÕÏÇÑ PHP 4.1.0 Úáì ÇáÇÞá ';
$string['safemode'] = 'æÖÚ ÇáÇãÇä';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'ãä Çáããßä Çä ãæÏá íæÇÌå ãÔÇßá ÚäÏãÇ íßæä æÖÚ ÇáÇãÇä äÔØ';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'íÌÈ Ãä íßæä åÐÇ ãÚØá';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'WWW';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = 'ÅÚÏÇÏ \'WWW\' ÛíÑ ÕÍíÍ';