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synced 2025-03-19 23:20:09 +01:00
This is commented out because auto-hidden toasts currently call `hide()` and trigger the `bs.toast.hide` event immediately, and _then_ apply the autohide delay. Since we automatically add M.util.pending_js calls when we _start_ to hide, and resolve them when the hide _finishes_, this means that we do: - addToast called - trigger `bs.toast.show` event - add to pending_js - [pending_js queue not empty - behat waits] - message is shown in UI - `hide()` called - trigger `bs.toast.hide` event - add to pending_js - [pending_js queue not empty - behat waits] - start autohide delay - [pending_js queue not empty - behat waits] - [pending_js queue not empty - behat waits] - [pending_js queue not empty - behat waits] - [pending_js queue not empty - behat waits] - end autohide delay - remove message (no longer present in DOM) - trigger `bs.toast.hidden` event - resolve pending_js - [pending_js queue empty - behat stops waiting] - Behat runs next step: And I should see "1 enrolled users" -- Step fails beacuse the message has been shown, and has then been removed The conversation should have been: - addToast called - trigger `bs.toast.show` event - add to pending_js - [pending_js queue not empty - behat waits] - message is shown in UI - start autohide delay - trigger `bs.toast.shown` event - resolve pending_js - [pending_js queue empty - behat stops waiting] - Behat runs next step: And I should see "1 enrolled users" -- Step passes - autohide delay ends and calls `hide()` - trigger bs.toast.hide event - add to pending_js - [behat waits] - end autohide delay - remove message (no longer present in DOM) - trigger `bs.toast.hidden` event - resolve pending_js - [pending_js queue empty - behat stops waiting] - Behat run continues See MDL-67386 for futher information.
.-..-. _____ | || | /____/-.---_ .---. .---. .-.| || | .---. | | _ _ |/ _ \/ _ \/ _ || |/ __ \ * | | | | | || |_| || |_| || |_| || || |___/ |_| |_| |_|\_____/\_____/\_____||_|\_____) Moodle - the world's open source learning platform Moodle <https://moodle.org> is a learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with a single robust, secure and integrated system to create personalised learning environments. You can download Moodle <https://download.moodle.org> and run it on your own web server, ask one of our Moodle Partners <https://moodle.com/partners/> to assist you, or have a MoodleCloud site <https://moodle.com/cloud/> set up for you. Moodle is widely used around the world by universities, schools, companies and all manner of organisations and individuals. Moodle is provided freely as open source software, under the GNU General Public License <https://docs.moodle.org/dev/License>. Moodle is written in PHP and JavaScript and uses an SQL database for storing the data. See <https://docs.moodle.org> for details of Moodle's many features.