mirror of https://github.com/maximebf/php-debugbar.git synced 2025-02-16 13:24:42 +01:00
maximebf 3089d2f750 refactoring and improvements to resizing and responsivity
debugbar header is now split in left and right containers for better responsivity
changed the way the indicators position is handled (not a property of the indicator anymore)
moved resize-handle out of body
when closed, the debugbar will always restore to opened state
2014-02-14 12:42:43 -03:00

5.6 KiB


Rendering is performed using the `DebugBar\JavascriptRenderer̀ class. It contains all the useful functions to included the needed assets and generate a debug bar.

$renderer = $debugbar->getJavascriptRenderer();


The debug bar relies on some css and javascript files which needs to be included into your webpage. They are located in the src/DebugBar/Resources folder. This can be done in four ways:

  • Using JavascriptRenderer::renderHead() which will returns a string with the needed script and link tags
  • Using Assetic and JavascriptRenderer::getAsseticCollection()
  • Dumping the assets yourself using JavascriptRenderer::dumpCssAssets() and JavascriptRenderer::dumpJsAssets()
  • Retrieving the list filenames of assets using JavascriptRenderer::getAssets() and doing something with it

I would recommend using the second method as Assetic is a very powerful asset manager but the other methods are provided to quickly integrate the debug bar into any projects.

You can define the base url of your assets using setBaseUrl(). This is needed in 99% of cases.

Using renderHead():

        <?php echo $renderer->renderHead() ?>

Using Assetic:

list($cssCollection, $jsCollection) = $renderer->getAsseticCollection();

Dumping the assets:

header('Content-Type', 'text/javascript');

Retrieving the assets:

list($cssFiles, $jsFiles) = $renderer->getAssets();

Note that you can only use the debug bar assets and manage the dependencies by yourself using $renderer->setIncludeVendors(false). Instead of false, css or js may be used to only include css or js assets of vendors.

Managing jQuery conflicts

When the debug bar script is included, it will be bound to the current jQuery object. The default action is to call jQuery.noConflict(true) after this is done.

This has two implications:

  • jQuery won't be available anymore if you didn't include your own version before including the debug bar's vendors
  • your own version will be restored.

If you use JavascriptRenderer::setIncludeVendors() to disable the inclusion of js vendors (ie. jquery), jQuery.noConflict(true) won't be called.

You can manage whether jQuery.noConflict(true) should be called or not using JavascriptRenderer::setEnableJqueryNoConflict().

The javascript object

The renderer will generate all the needed code for your debug bar. This means initializing the DebugBar js object, adding tabs and indicators, defining a data map, etc...

Data collectors can provide their own controls when implementing the DebugBar\DataCollector\Renderable interface as explained in the Collecting Data chapter.

Thus in almost all cases, you should only have to use render() right away:

        <?php echo $renderer->render() ?>

This will print the initialization code for the toolbar and the dataset for the request. When you are performing AJAX requests, you do not want to initialize a new toolbar but add the dataset to the existing one. You can disable initialization using ̀false as the first argument of ̀render().

<p>my ajax content</p>
<?php echo $renderer->render(false) ?>

Controlling object initialization

You can further control the initialization of the javascript object using setInitialization(). It takes a bitwise value made out of the constants ̀INITIALIZE_CONSTRUCTORandINITIALIZE_CONTROLS. The first one controls whether to initialize the variable (ie. var debugbar = new DebugBar()`). The second one whether to initialize all the controls (ie. adding tab and indicators as well as data mapping).

You can also control the class name of the object using setJavascriptClass() and the name of the instance variable using setVariableName().

Let's say you have subclassed PhpDebugBar.DebugBar in javascript to do your own initialization. Your new object is called MyDebugBar.

// ...
echo $renderer->render();

This has the result of printing:

<script type="text/javascript">
var phpdebugbar = new MyDebugBar();
phpdebugbar.addDataSet({ ... });

Using setInitialization(0) will only render the addDataSet part.

Defining controls

Controls can be manually added to the debug bar using addControl($name, $options). You should read the Javascript bar chapter before this section.

$name will be the name of your control and $options is a key/value pair array with these possible values:

  • icon: icon name
  • tooltip: string
  • widget: widget class name
  • map: a property name from the data to map the control to
  • default: a js string, default value of the data map
  • tab: class name of the tab object (to use a custom tab object)
  • indicator: class name of the indicator object (to use a custom indicator object)
  • position: position of the indicator ('left' of 'right', default to 'right')

At least icon or widget are needed (unless tab or indicator are specified). If widget is specified, a tab will be created, otherwise an indicator. Any other options is also passed to the tab or indicator.

$renderer->addControl('messages', array(
    "widget" => "PhpDebugBar.Widgets.MessagesWidget",
    "map" => "messages",
    "default" => "[]"

You can disable a control using disableControl($name) and ignore any controls provided by a collector using ignoreCollector($name).