2017-11-02 18:32:11 +01:00

6.9 KiB

Rector - Reconstruct your Legacy Code to Modern Codebase

Build Status Coverage Status

Rector upgrades your application for you, with focus on open-source projects:


Add to your composer.json:

    "require-dev": {
        "rector/rector": "@dev",
        "nikic/php-parser": "dev-master#5900d78 as v3.1.1"

And download packages:

composer update

How To Reconstruct your Code?

A. Prepared Sets

Fetaured open-source projects have prepared sets. You'll find them in /src/config/level.

E.g. Do you need to upgrade to Nette 2.4?

  1. Run rector on your /src directory
vendor/bin/rector process src --config vendor/bin/rector/src/config/level/nette/nette24.yml

Too long? Try --level shortcut:

vendor/bin/rector process src --level nette24
  1. Check the Git
git diff

B. Custom Sets

  1. Create rector.yml with desired Rectors
    - Rector\Rector\Contrib\Nette\Application\InjectPropertyRector
  1. Run rector on your /src directory
vendor/bin/rector process src
  1. Check the Git
git diff

Simple setup with Dynamic Rectors

You don't have to always write PHP code. Many projects change only classes or method names, so it would be too much work for a simple task.

Instead you can use prepared Dynamic Rectors directly in *.yml config:

You can:

  • replace class name

    # phpunit60.yml
            # old class: new class
            'PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase': 'PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase'
  • replace part of namespace

    # better-reflection20.yml
            # old namespace: new namespace
            'BetterReflection': 'Roave\BetterReflection'
  • change method name

            # class
                # old method: new method
                'add': 'addHtml'
            # or in case of static methods calls
            # class
                # old method: [new class, new method]
                'renderFormBegin': ['Nette\Bridges\FormsLatte\Runtime', 'renderFormBegin']
  • change property name

            # class:
            #   old property: new property
                'name': 'var'
  • change class constant name

            # class
                # old constant: new constant
                'PRE_BIND': 'PRE_SUBMIT'
                'BIND': 'SUBMIT'
                'POST_BIND': 'POST_SUBMIT'
  • change parameters typehint according to parent type

            # class
                # method
                    # parameter: typehint
                    'code': 'string'
  • change argument value

            # class
                # method
                    # argument position
                        # added default value
                        ~: false
                        # or remove completely
                        ~: ~
                        # or replace by new value
                        'Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder\ContainerBuilder::SCOPE_PROTOTYPE': false
  • or replace underscore naming _ with namespaces \

            # old namespace prefix
            - 'PHPUnit_'

6 Steps to Add New Rector

In case you need a transformation that you didn't find in Dynamic Rectors, you can create your own:

  1. Just extend Rector\Rector\AbstractRector class. It will prepare 2 methods:
public function isCandidate(Node $node): bool

public function refactor(Node $node): ?Node
  1. Put it under namespace Rector\Contrib\<set>; namespace
<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace Rector\Contrib\Symfony;

use Rector\Rector\AbstractRector;

final class MyRector extends AbstractRector
    // ...
  1. Add a Test Case

  2. Add to specific level, e.g. /src/config/level/nette/nette24.yml

  3. Submit PR

  4. 👍

Coding Standards are Outsourced

This package has no intention in formating your code, as it coding standard tools handle this much better.

We prefer EasyCodingStandard:

# check
vendor/bin/ecs check --config vendor/rector/rector/ecs-after-rector.neon
# fix
vendor/bin/ecs check --config vendor/rector/rector/ecs-after-rector.neon --fix

but you can use any other with this setup.

Advanced Operations

How to Contribute

Just follow 3 rules:

  • 1 feature per pull-request

  • New feature needs tests

  • Tests, coding standard and PHPStan checks must pass

    composer all

    Don you need to fix coding standards? Run:

    composer fix-cs

We would be happy to merge your feature then.

How to use on PHP < 7.1 on Incompatible Composer Dependencies

You must have separated environment with PHP 7.1 (for example in Docker container). When you have it then run following command:

composer create-project rector/rector path-to-rector

When do you have it then you can run all commands like

path-to-rector/bin/rector process /var/www/old-project --config path-to-rector/src/config/level/nette/nette24.yml
# or for short
path-to-rector/bin/rector process /var/www/old-project --level nette24