2014-04-09 23:06:50 -04:00

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Recurr Build Status

Recurr is a PHP library for working with recurrence rules (RRULE) and converting them in to DateTime objects.

Recurr was developed as a precursor for a calendar with recurring events, and is heavily inspired by rrule.js.


Recurr is hosted on packagist, meaning you can install it with Composer.

  1. Create a composer.json file

        "require": {
            "simshaun/recurr": "dev-master"

    We recommend using a stable version instead of dev-master.

  2. Install composer and run it

    php composer.phar install
  3. (Optional) Autoload Recurr

    require 'vendor/autoload.php';

RRULE to DateTime objects

$timezone    = 'America/New_York';
$startDate   = new \DateTime('2013-06-12 20:00:00', new \DateTimeZone($timezone));
$endDate     = new \DateTime('2013-06-14 20:00:00', new \DateTimeZone($timezone)); // Optional
$rule        = new \Recurr\Rule('FREQ=MONTHLY;COUNT=5', $startDate, $endDate, $timezone);
$transformer = new \Recurr\Transformer\ArrayTransformer();

  1. $transformer->transform(...) returns an array of Recurrence objects.
  2. Each Recurrence has getStart() and getEnd() methods, each returning a \DateTime object.
  3. If the transformed Rule lacks an end date, getEnd() will return a \DateTime object equal to that of getStart().

RRULE to Text

Recurr supports transforming some recurrence rules in to human readable text. This feature is still in beta and only supports yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily frequencies. It is not yet localized and only supports English.

$rule = new Rule('FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=2;COUNT=3;', new \DateTime());

$textTransformer = new TextTransformer();
echo $textTransformer->transform($rule);


  • Monthly recurring rules: If your start date is on the 29th, 30th, or 31st, Recurr will skip the months that have less than that number of days. This behavior is configurable:
$timezone    = 'America/New_York';
$startDate   = new \DateTime('2013-01-31 20:00:00', new \DateTimeZone($timezone));
$rule        = new \Recurr\Rule('FREQ=MONTHLY;COUNT=5', $startDate, null, $timezone);
$transformer = new \Recurr\Transformer\ArrayTransformer();

$transformerConfig = new \Recurr\Transformer\ArrayTransformerConfig();


/* Recurrences:
 * 2013-01-31
 * 2013-02-28
 * 2013-03-31
 * 2013-04-30
 * 2013-05-31


Recurr is still in beta, and is most likely not 100% free of bugs. Feel free to comment or make pull requests. Please include tests with PRs.


Recurr is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.