mirror of
synced 2025-01-16 13:50:23 +01:00
move half-space stuff to partitions.scad
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,9 +8,8 @@
// FileFootnotes: STD=Included in std.scad
// Section: Volume Division Mutators
// Section: Bounding Box
// Module: bounding_box()
@ -96,341 +95,6 @@ module bounding_box(excess=0, planar=false) {
// Function&Module: half_of()
// Usage: as module
// half_of(v, [cp], [s], [planar]) ...
// Usage: as function
// result = half_of(p,v,[cp]);
// Description:
// Slices an object at a cut plane, and masks away everything that is on one side. The v parameter is either a plane specification or
// a normal vector. The s parameter is needed for the module
// version to control the size of the masking cube. If s is too large then the preview display will flip around and display the
// wrong half, but if it is too small it won't fully mask your model.
// When called as a function, you must supply a vnf, path or region in p. If planar is set to true for the module version the operation
// is performed in 2D and UP and DOWN are treated as equivalent to BACK and FWD respectively.
// Arguments:
// p = path, region or VNF to slice. (Function version)
// v = Normal of plane to slice at. Keeps everything on the side the normal points to. Default: [0,0,1] (UP)
// cp = If given as a scalar, moves the cut plane along the normal by the given amount. If given as a point, specifies a point on the cut plane. Default: [0,0,0]
// s = Mask size to use. Use a number larger than twice your object's largest axis. If you make this too large, OpenSCAD's preview rendering may display the wrong half. (Module version) Default: 100
// planar = If true, perform a 2D operation. When planar, a `v` of `UP` or `DOWN` becomes equivalent of `BACK` and `FWD` respectively. (Module version). Default: false.
// Examples:
// half_of(DOWN+BACK, cp=[0,-10,0]) cylinder(h=40, r1=10, r2=0, center=false);
// half_of(DOWN+LEFT, s=200) sphere(d=150);
// Example(2D):
// half_of([1,1], planar=true) circle(d=50);
module half_of(v=UP, cp, s=100, planar=false)
cp = is_vector(v,4)? assert(cp==undef, "Don't use cp with plane definition.") plane_normal(v) * v[3] :
is_vector(cp)? cp :
is_num(cp)? cp*unit(v) :
v = is_vector(v,4)? plane_normal(v) : v;
if (cp != [0,0,0]) {
translate(cp) half_of(v=v, s=s, planar=planar) translate(-cp) children();
} else if (planar) {
v = (v==UP)? BACK : (v==DOWN)? FWD : v;
ang = atan2(v.y, v.x);
difference() {
rotate(ang+90) {
back(s/2) square(s, center=true);
} else {
difference() {
rot(from=UP, to=-v) {
up(s/2) cube(s, center=true);
function half_of(p, v=UP, cp) =
is_vnf(p) ?
assert(is_vector(v) && (len(v)==3 || len(v)==4),str("Must give 3-vector or plane specification",v))
assert(select(v,0,2)!=[0,0,0], "vector v must be nonzero")
plane = is_vector(v,4) ? assert(cp==undef, "Don't use cp with plane definition.") v
: is_undef(cp) ? [each v, 0]
: is_num(cp) ? [each v, cp*(v*v)/norm(v)]
: assert(is_vector(cp,3),"Centerpoint must be a 3-vector")
[each v, cp*v]
vnf_halfspace(plane, p)
: is_path(p) || is_region(p) ?
v = (v==UP)? BACK : (v==DOWN)? FWD : v,
cp = is_undef(cp) ? [0,0]
: is_num(cp) ? v*cp
: assert(is_vector(cp,2) || (is_vector(cp,3) && cp.z==0),"Centerpoint must be 2-vector")
assert(is_vector(v,2) || (is_vector(v,3) && v.z==0),"Must give 2-vector")
assert(!all_zero(v), "Vector v must be nonzero")
bounds = pointlist_bounds(move(-cp,p)),
L = 2*max(flatten(bounds)),
n = unit(v),
u = [-n.y,n.x],
box = [cp+u*L, cp+(v+u)*L, cp+(v-u)*L, cp-u*L]
: assert(false, "Input must be a region, path or VNF");
/* This code cut 3d paths but leaves behind connecting line segments
is_path(p) ?
//assert(len(p[0]) == d, str("path must have dimension ", d))
let(z = [for(x=p) (x-cp)*v])
[ for(i=[0:len(p)-1]) each concat(z[i] >= 0 ? [p[i]] : [],
// we assume a closed path here;
// to make this correct for an open path,
// just replace this by [] when i==len(p)-1:
// the remaining path may have flattened sections, but this cannot
// create self-intersection or whiskers:
z[i]*z[j] >= 0 ? [] : [(z[j]*p[i]-z[i]*p[j])/(z[j]-z[i])]) ]
// Function&Module: left_half()
// Usage: as module
// left_half([s], [x]) ...
// left_half(planar=true, [s], [x]) ...
// Usage: as function
// result = left_half(p, [x]);
// Description:
// Slices an object at a vertical Y-Z cut plane, and masks away everything that is right of it.
// The s parameter is needed for the module
// version to control the size of the masking cube. If s is too large then the preview display will flip around and display the
// wrong half, but if it is too small it won't fully mask your model.
// Arguments:
// p = VNF, region or path to slice (function version)
// s = Mask size to use. Use a number larger than twice your object's largest axis. If you make this too large, OpenSCAD's preview rendering may display the wrong half. (Module version) Default: 100
// x = The X coordinate of the cut-plane. Default: 0
// planar = If true, perform a 2D operation. (Module version) Default: false.
// Examples:
// left_half() sphere(r=20);
// left_half(x=-8) sphere(r=20);
// Example(2D):
// left_half(planar=true) circle(r=20);
module left_half(s=100, x=0, planar=false)
dir = LEFT;
difference() {
translate([x,0,0]-dir*s/2) {
if (planar) {
square(s, center=true);
} else {
cube(s, center=true);
function left_half(p,x=0) = half_of(p, LEFT, [x,0,0]);
// Function&Module: right_half()
// Usage: as module
// right_half([s], [x]) ...
// right_half(planar=true, [s], [x]) ...
// Usage: as function
// result = right_half(p, [x]);
// Description:
// Slices an object at a vertical Y-Z cut plane, and masks away everything that is left of it.
// The s parameter is needed for the module
// version to control the size of the masking cube. If s is too large then the preview display will flip around and display the
// wrong half, but if it is too small it won't fully mask your model.
// Arguments:
// p = VNF, region or path to slice (function version)
// s = Mask size to use. Use a number larger than twice your object's largest axis. If you make this too large, OpenSCAD's preview rendering may display the wrong half. (Module version) Default: 100
// x = The X coordinate of the cut-plane. Default: 0
// planar = If true, perform a 2D operation. (Module version) Default: false.
// Examples(FlatSpin,VPD=175):
// right_half() sphere(r=20);
// right_half(x=-5) sphere(r=20);
// Example(2D):
// right_half(planar=true) circle(r=20);
module right_half(s=100, x=0, planar=false)
dir = RIGHT;
difference() {
translate([x,0,0]-dir*s/2) {
if (planar) {
square(s, center=true);
} else {
cube(s, center=true);
function right_half(p,x=0) = half_of(p, RIGHT, [x,0,0]);
// Function&Module: front_half()
// Usage:
// front_half([s], [y]) ...
// front_half(planar=true, [s], [y]) ...
// Usage: as function
// result = front_half(p, [y]);
// Description:
// Slices an object at a vertical X-Z cut plane, and masks away everything that is behind it.
// The s parameter is needed for the module
// version to control the size of the masking cube. If s is too large then the preview display will flip around and display the
// wrong half, but if it is too small it won't fully mask your model.
// Arguments:
// p = VNF, region or path to slice (function version)
// s = Mask size to use. Use a number larger than twice your object's largest axis. If you make this too large, OpenSCAD's preview rendering may display the wrong half. (Module version) Default: 100
// y = The Y coordinate of the cut-plane. Default: 0
// planar = If true, perform a 2D operation. (Module version) Default: false.
// Examples(FlatSpin,VPD=175):
// front_half() sphere(r=20);
// front_half(y=5) sphere(r=20);
// Example(2D):
// front_half(planar=true) circle(r=20);
module front_half(s=100, y=0, planar=false)
dir = FWD;
difference() {
translate([0,y,0]-dir*s/2) {
if (planar) {
square(s, center=true);
} else {
cube(s, center=true);
function front_half(p,y=0) = half_of(p, FRONT, [0,y,0]);
// Function&Module: back_half()
// Usage:
// back_half([s], [y]) ...
// back_half(planar=true, [s], [y]) ...
// Usage: as function
// result = back_half(p, [y]);
// Description:
// Slices an object at a vertical X-Z cut plane, and masks away everything that is in front of it.
// The s parameter is needed for the module
// version to control the size of the masking cube. If s is too large then the preview display will flip around and display the
// wrong half, but if it is too small it won't fully mask your model.
// Arguments:
// p = VNF, region or path to slice (function version)
// s = Mask size to use. Use a number larger than twice your object's largest axis. If you make this too large, OpenSCAD's preview rendering may display the wrong half. (Module version) Default: 100
// y = The Y coordinate of the cut-plane. Default: 0
// planar = If true, perform a 2D operation. (Module version) Default: false.
// Examples:
// back_half() sphere(r=20);
// back_half(y=8) sphere(r=20);
// Example(2D):
// back_half(planar=true) circle(r=20);
module back_half(s=100, y=0, planar=false)
dir = BACK;
difference() {
translate([0,y,0]-dir*s/2) {
if (planar) {
square(s, center=true);
} else {
cube(s, center=true);
function back_half(p,y=0) = half_of(p, BACK, [0,y,0]);
// Function&Module: bottom_half()
// Usage:
// bottom_half([s], [z]) ...
// Usage: as function
// result = bottom_half(p, [z]);
// Description:
// Slices an object at a horizontal X-Y cut plane, and masks away everything that is above it.
// The s parameter is needed for the module
// version to control the size of the masking cube. If s is too large then the preview display will flip around and display the
// wrong half, but if it is too small it won't fully mask your model.
// Arguments:
// p = VNF, region or path to slice (function version)
// s = Mask size to use. Use a number larger than twice your object's largest axis. If you make this too large, OpenSCAD's preview rendering may display the wrong half. (Module version) Default: 100
// z = The Z coordinate of the cut-plane. Default: 0
// Examples:
// bottom_half() sphere(r=20);
// bottom_half(z=-10) sphere(r=20);
module bottom_half(s=100, z=0)
dir = DOWN;
difference() {
translate([0,0,z]-dir*s/2) {
cube(s, center=true);
function bottom_half(p,z=0) = half_of(p,BOTTOM,[0,0,z]);
// Function&Module: top_half()
// Usage:
// top_half([s], [z]) ...
// result = top_half(p, [z]);
// Description:
// Slices an object at a horizontal X-Y cut plane, and masks away everything that is below it.
// The s parameter is needed for the module
// version to control the size of the masking cube. If s is too large then the preview display will flip around and display the
// wrong half, but if it is too small it won't fully mask your model.
// Arguments:
// p = VNF, region or path to slice (function version)
// s = Mask size to use. Use a number larger than twice your object's largest axis. If you make this too large, OpenSCAD's preview rendering may display the wrong half. (Module version) Default: 100
// z = The Z coordinate of the cut-plane. Default: 0
// Examples(Spin,VPD=175):
// top_half() sphere(r=20);
// top_half(z=5) sphere(r=20);
module top_half(s=100, z=0)
dir = UP;
difference() {
translate([0,0,z]-dir*s/2) {
cube(s, center=true);
function top_half(p,z=0) = half_of(p,UP,[0,0,z]);
// Section: Warp Mutators
@ -1,15 +1,352 @@
// LibFile: partitions.scad
// Modules to help partition large objects into smaller parts that can be reassembled.
// Cut objects with a plane, or partition them into interlocking pieces for easy printing of large objects.
// Includes:
// include <BOSL2/std.scad>
// include <BOSL2/partitions.scad>
// FileGroup: Advanced Modeling
// FileSummary: Modules to help partition large objects into smaller assembled parts.
// FileSummary: Cut objects with a plane or partition them into interlocking pieces.
// FileFootnotes: STD=Included in std.scad
// Section: Partitioning
// Section: Planar Cutting
// Function&Module: half_of()
// Usage: as module
// half_of(v, [cp], [s], [planar]) ...
// Usage: as function
// result = half_of(p,v,[cp]);
// Description:
// Slices an object at a cut plane, and masks away everything that is on one side. The v parameter is either a plane specification or
// a normal vector. The s parameter is needed for the module
// version to control the size of the masking cube. If s is too large then the preview display will flip around and display the
// wrong half, but if it is too small it won't fully mask your model.
// When called as a function, you must supply a vnf, path or region in p. If planar is set to true for the module version the operation
// is performed in 2D and UP and DOWN are treated as equivalent to BACK and FWD respectively.
// Arguments:
// p = path, region or VNF to slice. (Function version)
// v = Normal of plane to slice at. Keeps everything on the side the normal points to. Default: [0,0,1] (UP)
// cp = If given as a scalar, moves the cut plane along the normal by the given amount. If given as a point, specifies a point on the cut plane. Default: [0,0,0]
// s = Mask size to use. Use a number larger than twice your object's largest axis. If you make this too large, OpenSCAD's preview rendering may display the wrong half. (Module version) Default: 100
// planar = If true, perform a 2D operation. When planar, a `v` of `UP` or `DOWN` becomes equivalent of `BACK` and `FWD` respectively. (Module version). Default: false.
// Examples:
// half_of(DOWN+BACK, cp=[0,-10,0]) cylinder(h=40, r1=10, r2=0, center=false);
// half_of(DOWN+LEFT, s=200) sphere(d=150);
// Example(2D):
// half_of([1,1], planar=true) circle(d=50);
module half_of(v=UP, cp, s=100, planar=false)
cp = is_vector(v,4)? assert(cp==undef, "Don't use cp with plane definition.") plane_normal(v) * v[3] :
is_vector(cp)? cp :
is_num(cp)? cp*unit(v) :
v = is_vector(v,4)? plane_normal(v) : v;
if (cp != [0,0,0]) {
translate(cp) half_of(v=v, s=s, planar=planar) translate(-cp) children();
} else if (planar) {
v = (v==UP)? BACK : (v==DOWN)? FWD : v;
ang = atan2(v.y, v.x);
difference() {
rotate(ang+90) {
back(s/2) square(s, center=true);
} else {
difference() {
rot(from=UP, to=-v) {
up(s/2) cube(s, center=true);
function half_of(p, v=UP, cp) =
is_vnf(p) ?
assert(is_vector(v) && (len(v)==3 || len(v)==4),str("Must give 3-vector or plane specification",v))
assert(select(v,0,2)!=[0,0,0], "vector v must be nonzero")
plane = is_vector(v,4) ? assert(cp==undef, "Don't use cp with plane definition.") v
: is_undef(cp) ? [each v, 0]
: is_num(cp) ? [each v, cp*(v*v)/norm(v)]
: assert(is_vector(cp,3),"Centerpoint must be a 3-vector")
[each v, cp*v]
vnf_halfspace(plane, p)
: is_path(p) || is_region(p) ?
v = (v==UP)? BACK : (v==DOWN)? FWD : v,
cp = is_undef(cp) ? [0,0]
: is_num(cp) ? v*cp
: assert(is_vector(cp,2) || (is_vector(cp,3) && cp.z==0),"Centerpoint must be 2-vector")
assert(is_vector(v,2) || (is_vector(v,3) && v.z==0),"Must give 2-vector")
assert(!all_zero(v), "Vector v must be nonzero")
bounds = pointlist_bounds(move(-cp,p)),
L = 2*max(flatten(bounds)),
n = unit(v),
u = [-n.y,n.x],
box = [cp+u*L, cp+(v+u)*L, cp+(v-u)*L, cp-u*L]
: assert(false, "Input must be a region, path or VNF");
/* This code cut 3d paths but leaves behind connecting line segments
is_path(p) ?
//assert(len(p[0]) == d, str("path must have dimension ", d))
let(z = [for(x=p) (x-cp)*v])
[ for(i=[0:len(p)-1]) each concat(z[i] >= 0 ? [p[i]] : [],
// we assume a closed path here;
// to make this correct for an open path,
// just replace this by [] when i==len(p)-1:
// the remaining path may have flattened sections, but this cannot
// create self-intersection or whiskers:
z[i]*z[j] >= 0 ? [] : [(z[j]*p[i]-z[i]*p[j])/(z[j]-z[i])]) ]
// Function&Module: left_half()
// Usage: as module
// left_half([s], [x]) ...
// left_half(planar=true, [s], [x]) ...
// Usage: as function
// result = left_half(p, [x]);
// Description:
// Slices an object at a vertical Y-Z cut plane, and masks away everything that is right of it.
// The s parameter is needed for the module
// version to control the size of the masking cube. If s is too large then the preview display will flip around and display the
// wrong half, but if it is too small it won't fully mask your model.
// Arguments:
// p = VNF, region or path to slice (function version)
// s = Mask size to use. Use a number larger than twice your object's largest axis. If you make this too large, OpenSCAD's preview rendering may display the wrong half. (Module version) Default: 100
// x = The X coordinate of the cut-plane. Default: 0
// planar = If true, perform a 2D operation. (Module version) Default: false.
// Examples:
// left_half() sphere(r=20);
// left_half(x=-8) sphere(r=20);
// Example(2D):
// left_half(planar=true) circle(r=20);
module left_half(s=100, x=0, planar=false)
dir = LEFT;
difference() {
translate([x,0,0]-dir*s/2) {
if (planar) {
square(s, center=true);
} else {
cube(s, center=true);
function left_half(p,x=0) = half_of(p, LEFT, [x,0,0]);
// Function&Module: right_half()
// Usage: as module
// right_half([s], [x]) ...
// right_half(planar=true, [s], [x]) ...
// Usage: as function
// result = right_half(p, [x]);
// Description:
// Slices an object at a vertical Y-Z cut plane, and masks away everything that is left of it.
// The s parameter is needed for the module
// version to control the size of the masking cube. If s is too large then the preview display will flip around and display the
// wrong half, but if it is too small it won't fully mask your model.
// Arguments:
// p = VNF, region or path to slice (function version)
// s = Mask size to use. Use a number larger than twice your object's largest axis. If you make this too large, OpenSCAD's preview rendering may display the wrong half. (Module version) Default: 100
// x = The X coordinate of the cut-plane. Default: 0
// planar = If true, perform a 2D operation. (Module version) Default: false.
// Examples(FlatSpin,VPD=175):
// right_half() sphere(r=20);
// right_half(x=-5) sphere(r=20);
// Example(2D):
// right_half(planar=true) circle(r=20);
module right_half(s=100, x=0, planar=false)
dir = RIGHT;
difference() {
translate([x,0,0]-dir*s/2) {
if (planar) {
square(s, center=true);
} else {
cube(s, center=true);
function right_half(p,x=0) = half_of(p, RIGHT, [x,0,0]);
// Function&Module: front_half()
// Usage:
// front_half([s], [y]) ...
// front_half(planar=true, [s], [y]) ...
// Usage: as function
// result = front_half(p, [y]);
// Description:
// Slices an object at a vertical X-Z cut plane, and masks away everything that is behind it.
// The s parameter is needed for the module
// version to control the size of the masking cube. If s is too large then the preview display will flip around and display the
// wrong half, but if it is too small it won't fully mask your model.
// Arguments:
// p = VNF, region or path to slice (function version)
// s = Mask size to use. Use a number larger than twice your object's largest axis. If you make this too large, OpenSCAD's preview rendering may display the wrong half. (Module version) Default: 100
// y = The Y coordinate of the cut-plane. Default: 0
// planar = If true, perform a 2D operation. (Module version) Default: false.
// Examples(FlatSpin,VPD=175):
// front_half() sphere(r=20);
// front_half(y=5) sphere(r=20);
// Example(2D):
// front_half(planar=true) circle(r=20);
module front_half(s=100, y=0, planar=false)
dir = FWD;
difference() {
translate([0,y,0]-dir*s/2) {
if (planar) {
square(s, center=true);
} else {
cube(s, center=true);
function front_half(p,y=0) = half_of(p, FRONT, [0,y,0]);
// Function&Module: back_half()
// Usage:
// back_half([s], [y]) ...
// back_half(planar=true, [s], [y]) ...
// Usage: as function
// result = back_half(p, [y]);
// Description:
// Slices an object at a vertical X-Z cut plane, and masks away everything that is in front of it.
// The s parameter is needed for the module
// version to control the size of the masking cube. If s is too large then the preview display will flip around and display the
// wrong half, but if it is too small it won't fully mask your model.
// Arguments:
// p = VNF, region or path to slice (function version)
// s = Mask size to use. Use a number larger than twice your object's largest axis. If you make this too large, OpenSCAD's preview rendering may display the wrong half. (Module version) Default: 100
// y = The Y coordinate of the cut-plane. Default: 0
// planar = If true, perform a 2D operation. (Module version) Default: false.
// Examples:
// back_half() sphere(r=20);
// back_half(y=8) sphere(r=20);
// Example(2D):
// back_half(planar=true) circle(r=20);
module back_half(s=100, y=0, planar=false)
dir = BACK;
difference() {
translate([0,y,0]-dir*s/2) {
if (planar) {
square(s, center=true);
} else {
cube(s, center=true);
function back_half(p,y=0) = half_of(p, BACK, [0,y,0]);
// Function&Module: bottom_half()
// Usage:
// bottom_half([s], [z]) ...
// Usage: as function
// result = bottom_half(p, [z]);
// Description:
// Slices an object at a horizontal X-Y cut plane, and masks away everything that is above it.
// The s parameter is needed for the module
// version to control the size of the masking cube. If s is too large then the preview display will flip around and display the
// wrong half, but if it is too small it won't fully mask your model.
// Arguments:
// p = VNF, region or path to slice (function version)
// s = Mask size to use. Use a number larger than twice your object's largest axis. If you make this too large, OpenSCAD's preview rendering may display the wrong half. (Module version) Default: 100
// z = The Z coordinate of the cut-plane. Default: 0
// Examples:
// bottom_half() sphere(r=20);
// bottom_half(z=-10) sphere(r=20);
module bottom_half(s=100, z=0)
dir = DOWN;
difference() {
translate([0,0,z]-dir*s/2) {
cube(s, center=true);
function bottom_half(p,z=0) = half_of(p,BOTTOM,[0,0,z]);
// Function&Module: top_half()
// Usage:
// top_half([s], [z]) ...
// result = top_half(p, [z]);
// Description:
// Slices an object at a horizontal X-Y cut plane, and masks away everything that is below it.
// The s parameter is needed for the module
// version to control the size of the masking cube. If s is too large then the preview display will flip around and display the
// wrong half, but if it is too small it won't fully mask your model.
// Arguments:
// p = VNF, region or path to slice (function version)
// s = Mask size to use. Use a number larger than twice your object's largest axis. If you make this too large, OpenSCAD's preview rendering may display the wrong half. (Module version) Default: 100
// z = The Z coordinate of the cut-plane. Default: 0
// Examples(Spin,VPD=175):
// top_half() sphere(r=20);
// top_half(z=5) sphere(r=20);
module top_half(s=100, z=0)
dir = UP;
difference() {
translate([0,0,z]-dir*s/2) {
cube(s, center=true);
function top_half(p,z=0) = half_of(p,UP,[0,0,z]);
// Section: Partioning into Interlocking Pieces
function _partition_subpath(type) =
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