mirror of https://github.com/nophead/Mendel90.git synced 2025-03-07 04:10:11 +01:00
Chris Palmer ee465a7d0b Added Silicone tape to model and hence BOM.
Updated PLA sample size to 50m.
Fixed start.gcode missing from SF settings due to gitignore.
Updated the manual.
Assembly views moved to view folder and now all auto generated.
2013-10-01 20:06:08 +01:00

611 lines
26 KiB

// Mendel90
// GNU GPL v2
// nop.head@gmail.com
// hydraraptor.blogspot.com
// Ends of the X axis
include <conf/config.scad>
use <x-carriage.scad>
use <pulley.scad>
use <ribbon_clamp.scad>
use <wade.scad>
bwall = 2.3;
bearing_dia = Z_bearings[1];
bearing_width = bearing_dia + 2 * bwall;
bearing_depth = bearing_width / 2 + 1;
bearing_length = Z_bearings[0];
shelf_thickness = 2;
shelf_clearance = 0.5;
bearing_height = max( min(65, 2.8 * bearing_length), 2 * (bearing_length + shelf_clearance) + 3 * shelf_thickness);
shelves = [ shelf_thickness / 2,
shelf_thickness + bearing_length + shelf_clearance + shelf_thickness / 2,
bearing_height - shelf_thickness / 2,
bearing_height - (shelf_thickness + bearing_length + shelf_clearance + shelf_thickness / 2) ];
module z_linear_bearings(motor_end) {
rod_dia = Z_bearings[2];
opening = bearing_dia / 7;
shelf_depth = bearing_depth - (rod_dia / 2 + 1);
union() {
//main vertical block
translate([-bearing_depth / 2, 0, bearing_height / 2])
cube([bearing_depth, bearing_width, bearing_height], center = true);
cylinder(h = bearing_height, r = bearing_width / 2);
//hole for bearings
translate([0, 0, -1])
cylinder(h = bearing_height + 2, r = bearing_dia / 2);
//entry cut out
translate([10 * sqrt(2) - opening, 0, bearing_height / 2])
rotate([0, 0, 45])
cube([20, 20, bearing_height + 1], center = true);
// shelves
for(y = shelves)
translate([-bearing_depth + shelf_depth / 2 + eta, 0, y])
cube([shelf_depth, bearing_width, shelf_thickness], center = true);
wall = thick_wall; // 4mm on Mendel and Sturdy, 3mm on Huxley
web = 3;
corner_rad = 3;
clamp_wall = 0.5 + washer_diameter(M3_washer) / 2 + M3_clearance_radius;
width = x_bar_spacing() + X_bar_dia + 2 * clamp_wall;
back = -ceil(z_bar_offset() + Z_nut_radius + wall);
front = -(Z_bar_dia / 2 + 1);
length = front - back;
thickness = X_bar_dia + 2 * wall;
clamp_hole_inset = clamp_wall;
clamp_height = thickness / 2 - 0.4;
clamp_width = X_bar_dia + 2 * clamp_wall;
nut_flat_radius = nut_radius * cos(30);
bar_y = x_bar_spacing() / 2;
belt_edge = -x_carriage_width() / 2 - X_carriage_clearance;
function x_belt_offset() = belt_edge - belt_width(X_belt) / 2;
idler_stack = 2 * ball_bearing_width(BB624) + 2 * (washer_thickness(M4_washer) + washer_thickness(M5_penny_washer));
idler_front = min(belt_edge - belt_width(X_belt) / 2 + idler_stack / 2, -bar_y - X_bar_dia / 2 - clamp_wall);
idler_screw_length = 45;
idler_depth = idler_screw_length - idler_stack - 1;
idler_back = idler_front + idler_depth;
idler_width = ceil(2 * (M4_nut_radius + wall));
mbracket_thickness = 4;
mbracket_corner = 7;
motor_angle = 45;
motor_w = ceil(min(max(sin(motor_angle) + cos(motor_angle)) * NEMA_width(X_motor), NEMA_radius(X_motor) * 2) + 1);
mbracket_width = motor_w + 2 * mbracket_thickness;
mbracket_height = thickness / 2 + NEMA_radius(X_motor) + mbracket_thickness + 0.5;
mbracket_front = belt_edge + 14;
mbracket_depth = NEMA_length(X_motor) + 3 * washer_thickness(M3_washer) + 2 * mbracket_thickness;
mbracket_centre = mbracket_front + mbracket_depth / 2 - mbracket_thickness;
nut_shelf = bearing_height -thickness / 2 - wall - nut_trap_depth(Z_nut);
switch_op_x = Z_bearings[1] / 2 + 3; // switch operates 2mm before carriage hits the bearing
switch_op_z = x_carriage_offset() - 2; // hit the edge of the carriage
sbracket_top = switch_op_z + 12;
sbracket_height = sbracket_top + thickness / 2;
sbracket_depth = switch_op_x - 3 - front;
sbracket_thickness = bar_y - (X_bar_dia / 2) * sin(45) - bearing_width / 2 - 1.5 - microswitch_thickness();
sbracket_y = -bearing_width / 2 - 1 - sbracket_thickness / 2;
function x_motor_offset() = back - mbracket_thickness - motor_w / 2;
function x_motor_overhang() = back - mbracket_width;
function x_idler_offset() = back - idler_width / 2;
function x_idler_overhang() = x_idler_offset() - washer_diameter(M5_penny_washer) / 2;
function x_end_bar_length() = -back;
function x_end_height() = bearing_height - thickness / 2;
function x_end_thickness() = thickness;
function x_motor_height() = mbracket_height - thickness / 2;
function x_end_clearance() = switch_op_x;
function x_end_z_nut_z() = nut_shelf;
ribbon_screw = M3_cap_screw;
ribbon_nut = screw_nut(ribbon_screw);
ribbon_nut_trap_depth = nut_trap_depth(ribbon_nut);
ribbon_pillar_thickness = wall + ribbon_nut_trap_depth;
ribbon_pillar_depth = ribbon_pillar_thickness;
ribbon_pillar_width = nut_radius(ribbon_nut) * 2 + 2 * web + 0.5;
ribbon_pillar_height = ribbon_clamp_length(extruder_ways, ribbon_screw);
ribbon_clamp_x = back - mbracket_thickness + eta;
ribbon_clamp_y = -bearing_width / 2 - ribbon_pillar_width / 2 + web - eta;
ribbon_clamp_z = max(mbracket_height + ribbon_pillar_height / 2 - thickness / 2,
bearing_height - ribbon_clamp_length(extruder_ways, ribbon_screw) / 2 - thickness / 2);
ribbon_pillar_top = ribbon_clamp_z + ribbon_pillar_height / 2;
function x_end_ribbon_clamp_y() = mbracket_front + NEMA_length(X_motor) + ribbon_bracket_thickness();
function x_end_ribbon_clamp_z() = NEMA_hole_pitch(X_motor) / sqrt(2);
function x_end_extruder_ribbon_clamp_offset() = [-ribbon_clamp_x, ribbon_clamp_y + ribbon_clamp_width(ribbon_screw) / 2, ribbon_clamp_z];
module x_end_clamp_stl() {
difference() {
hull() {
for(end = [-1, 1], side = [-1,1])
translate([end * (length / 2 - corner_rad), side * (clamp_width / 2 - corner_rad), 0])
if(side < 0)
translate([0, 0, clamp_height / 2])
cube([2 * corner_rad, 2 * corner_rad, clamp_height], center = true);
cylinder(r = corner_rad, h = clamp_height);
translate([0, 0, thickness / 2])
rotate([90, 0, 90])
teardrop_plus(r = X_bar_dia / 2, h = length + 1, center = true);
for(end = [-1, 1]) {
for(side = [-1,1])
translate([end * (length / 2 - clamp_hole_inset), side * (X_bar_dia / 2 + M3_clearance_radius), 0])
poly_cylinder(r = M3_clearance_radius, h = 100, center = true);
translate([end * (length / 2 - clamp_hole_inset), 0, thickness / 2])
cube([M3_clearance_radius * 2 - eta, X_bar_dia + M3_clearance_radius * 2, X_bar_dia * 0.8], center = true);
function ribbon_bracket_counterbore() = washer_thickness(M3_washer) + screw_head_height(M3_cap_screw) + 0.5;
function ribbon_bracket_thickness() = ribbon_bracket_counterbore() + 2.4;
module x_motor_ribbon_bracket_stl(support = true) {
length = ribbon_clamp_length(x_end_ways, ribbon_screw) + 2;
rad = ribbon_clamp_width(ribbon_screw) / 2 + 1;
counterbore = ribbon_bracket_counterbore();
height = ribbon_bracket_thickness();
ridge_width = 5 * filament_width + eta; // angled same as infill so make sure whole number of filaments
ridge_offset = (NEMA_width(X_motor) - NEMA_hole_pitch(X_motor)) / 2 + ridge_width / 2;
ridge_height = 5;
difference() {
union() {
hull() {
for(side = [-1, 1])
translate([side * (length / 2 - rad), 0, 0])
cylinder(h = height, r = rad);
for(side = [-1,1])
intersection() {
rotate([0, 0, side * 45])
translate([ridge_offset * side, 0, height - 1 + ridge_height / 2])
cube([ridge_width, 100, ridge_height + 1], center = true);
cube([length, rad * 2 - 1, 100], center = true);
// counterbored hole for motor screw
difference() {
union() {
poly_cylinder(r = M3_clearance_radius, h = 100, center = true);
poly_cylinder(r = washer_diameter(M3_washer) / 2 + 0.5, h = counterbore * 2, center = true);
hole_support(M3_clearance_radius, counterbore);
// ribbon clamp holes
translate([0, 0, height])
ribbon_clamp_holes(x_end_ways, ribbon_screw)
nut_trap(screw_clearance_radius(ribbon_screw), nut_radius(ribbon_nut), ribbon_nut_trap_depth);
nut_trap_support_height = 10;
module x_idler_support_stl() {
color("grey") {
translate([-z_bar_offset(), 0, 0])
hole_support(r = (Z_screw_dia + 1) / 2, h = bearing_height - wall);
translate([-z_bar_offset(), 0, nut_shelf + thickness / 2 - nut_trap_support_height])
nut_trap_support(r = Z_nut_radius, h = nut_trap_support_height + eta, r2 = (Z_screw_dia + 1) / 2);
for(side = [-1,1])
for(x = [front - clamp_hole_inset, back + clamp_hole_inset])
for(i = [-1,1])
translate([x, side * bar_y + i * (X_bar_dia / 2 + M3_clearance_radius), 0])
hole_support(r = M3_clearance_radius, h = M3_nut_trap_depth, max_r = nut_flat_radius(M3_nut));
module x_motor_support_stl() mirror([1,0,0]) x_idler_support_stl();
module x_end_bracket(motor_end, integral_support = false){
translate([0, 0, - thickness / 2])
// base
translate([front - length / 2, 0, 0])
rounded_rectangle([length, width, thickness], corner_rad);
// nut holder tower
difference() {
translate([front - length / 2, 0, bearing_height / 2 - thickness / 2])
cube([length, bearing_width, bearing_height], true);
translate([-bearing_depth - length / 2 - eta, 0, nut_shelf - bearing_height / 2])
rounded_rectangle([length, bearing_width - 2 * web, bearing_height], 2);
// limit switch bracket
difference() {
union() {
translate([front - eta, sbracket_y, - thickness / 2])
rotate([90, 0, 0])
linear_extrude(height = sbracket_thickness, center = true)
[0, 0],
[sbracket_depth, sbracket_height - microswitch_length() + 2],
[sbracket_depth, sbracket_height],
[-web, sbracket_height],
[-web, thickness - eta]
translate([front - web, sbracket_y, thickness / 2 - 1])
cube([web, -bearing_width / 2 - sbracket_y + 1, sbracket_height - thickness + 1]);
translate([switch_op_x, sbracket_y + sbracket_thickness / 2 + microswitch_thickness() / 2, switch_op_z])
rotate([0, -90, -90])
microswitch_holes(h = sbracket_thickness);
else {
// idler end
difference() {
union() {
translate([back - idler_width / 2 + eta + corner_rad, idler_back - idler_depth / 2, 0])
rounded_rectangle([idler_width + 2 * corner_rad, idler_depth, thickness], r = corner_rad, center = true);
translate([back, idler_back, 0])
rotate([0, 0, 90])
fillet(h = thickness, r = idler_width / 2);
translate([back - idler_width / 2, -bar_y, 0])
rotate([90, 0, 90])
teardrop(r = X_bar_dia / 2 + 0.5, h = 100, center = true);
assign(screw_angle = atan2(M4_clearance_radius - 3.9 / 2, idler_depth))
translate([x_idler_offset(), idler_back, 0])
rotate([90, 0, -screw_angle])
nut_trap(M4_clearance_radius, M4_nut_radius, M4_nut_trap_depth);
// Cut out for bearing holder
translate([0, 0, bearing_height / 2 - thickness / 2])
cube([bearing_depth * 2 -eta, bearing_width - 1, bearing_height + 2], center = true);
// Hole for z leadscrew
difference() {
translate([-z_bar_offset(), 0, - thickness / 2])
nut_trap((Z_screw_dia + 1) / 2, Z_nut_radius, nut_shelf + thickness / 2 + nut_trap_depth(Z_nut), supported = integral_support);
translate([-z_bar_offset(), 0, nut_shelf])
cylinder(r = Z_nut_radius + 1, h = 2 * layer_height, center = true);
translate([-z_bar_offset(), 0, -thickness / 2 - 1])
cylinder(r = Z_nut_radius + 1, h = thickness + 2, $fn = 6);
for(side = [-1, 1]) {
// Holes for x_bars
translate([front - length / 2, bar_y * side, 0]) {
rotate([90, 0, 90])
teardrop_plus(r = X_bar_dia / 2, h = length + 1, center = true);
// Remove clamp tops
translate([back + (length + 1) / 2 - 0.5, side * (bar_y - X_bar_dia / 2 - clamp_wall - 0.5 + 50), bearing_height / 2])
cube([length + 1, 100, bearing_height], center = true);
// Clamp nut traps
for(x = [front - clamp_hole_inset, back + clamp_hole_inset]) {
for(i = [-1,1])
translate([x, side * bar_y + i * (X_bar_dia / 2 + M3_clearance_radius), -thickness / 2])
nut_trap(M3_clearance_radius, M3_nut_radius, M3_nut_trap_depth, supported = integral_support);
translate([x, side * bar_y, 0])
cube([M3_clearance_radius * 2 - eta, X_bar_dia + M3_clearance_radius * 2, X_bar_dia * 0.8], center = true);
if(motor_end) {
difference() {
union() {
// Motor bracket
translate([back - mbracket_width / 2 + eta, mbracket_centre, mbracket_height / 2 - thickness / 2]) {
difference() {
cube([mbracket_width, mbracket_depth, mbracket_height], center = true); // outside
translate([0, 0, -mbracket_thickness])
cube([mbracket_width - 2 * mbracket_thickness, // inside
mbracket_depth - 2 * mbracket_thickness, mbracket_height], center = true);
translate([-M3_clearance_radius - wall - 100, -50, - 50]) // truncate front
translate([NEMA_big_hole(X_motor) * sqrt(2), 0, -mbracket_height / 2 + thickness / 2])
rotate([0, 45, 180]) // slope front tangential to motor boss
translate([0, 0, -50])
translate([-100 - NEMA_holes(X_motor)[0] * sqrt(2) - screw_head_radius(M3_cap_screw) - wall, 0, - 50])
cube(100); // truncate back
translate([-100 + mbracket_width / 2 + 1, -mbracket_centre - bearing_width / 2 + web,
-mbracket_height / 2 + thickness - eta])
cube(100); // truncate back
translate([-M3_clearance_radius - wall - eta, -mbracket_centre - bearing_width / 2 + web + eta, mbracket_height / 2])
rotate([0, 0,-90])
right_triangle(width = -mbracket_front - bearing_width / 2 + web,
height = mbracket_width / 2 -mbracket_thickness + M3_clearance_radius + wall,
h = 2 * mbracket_thickness + 1);
// Ribbon clamp pillar
translate([ribbon_clamp_x + ribbon_pillar_thickness / 2,
ribbon_clamp_z - eta])
hull() {
ribbon_pillar_height], center = true);
translate([+ribbon_pillar_thickness / 2 + 0.5 - mbracket_thickness + eta, 0,
-(ribbon_pillar_thickness - mbracket_thickness) * 2])
cube([1, ribbon_pillar_width / 2, ribbon_pillar_height], center = true);
// Holes
translate([x_motor_offset(), 0, 0]) {
// Mounting holes
assign(screw_offset = M3_clearance_radius - 2.9 / 2)
for(x = NEMA_holes(X_motor)) // motor screw holes
for(z = NEMA_holes(X_motor))
rotate([0, motor_angle, 0])
translate([x, 0, z])
rotate([90, -motor_angle, 0]) {
translate([-screw_offset, 0, 0])
teardrop_plus(r = M3_clearance_radius, h = 100); // front holes
translate([0, 0, -100])
teardrop_plus(r = screw_head_radius(M3_cap_screw), h = 100);// back hole
translate([ribbon_clamp_x + ribbon_pillar_thickness, ribbon_clamp_y, ribbon_clamp_z])
ribbon_clamp_holes(extruder_ways, ribbon_screw)
rotate([0, 0, 90])
nut_trap(screw_clearance_radius(ribbon_screw), nut_radius(ribbon_nut), ribbon_nut_trap_depth, true);
// Hole for switch wires
translate([back, -bearing_width / 2 - 4, thickness / 2 + 4])
rotate([90, 0, 90])
teardrop(r = 3, h = 2 * mbracket_thickness + 1, center = true);
module x_end_assembly(motor_end) {
shift = exploded ? 2 : 0;
// RP bits
color(x_end_bracket_color) render() x_end_bracket(motor_end);
for(side = [-1, 1])
translate([(front + back) / 2, side * bar_y, thickness / 2])
rotate([180, 0, 90 + 90 * side])
color("red") render() x_end_clamp_stl();
// bearings
for(i = [0,2])
translate([0, 0, (shelves[i] + shelves[i+1])/2 - thickness / 2])
// bearing clamp fasteners
for(side = [-1, 1])
for(x = [front - clamp_hole_inset, back + clamp_hole_inset])
for(i = [-1,1])
translate([x, side * bar_y + i * (X_bar_dia / 2 + M3_clearance_radius), 0]) {
translate([0, 0, - thickness / 2 + M3_nut_trap_depth])
rotate([180, 0, 0])
nut(M3_nut, true);
translate([0, 0, thickness / 2])
screw_longer_than(thickness + washer_thickness(M3_washer) + nut_thickness(M3_nut, true) - nut_trap_depth(M3_nut)));
if(motor_end) {
translate([x_motor_offset(), mbracket_front + eta, 0]) {
rotate([90, motor_angle - 90, 0]) {
translate([0,0, mbracket_thickness])
rotate([0, 0, -90])
NEMA_screws(X_motor, 2);
rotate([0, 0, -180]) translate(NEMA_holes(X_motor)) translate([0, 0, -NEMA_length(X_motor)])
rotate([180, 0, 0])
washer(M3_washer) washer(M3_washer) washer(M3_washer) screw(M3_cap_screw, 45);
translate([0, 0, 4])
// Heatshrink for motor connections
for(i = [-1.5 : 1.5])
translate([i * 5, NEMA_width(X_motor) / 2 + 2, -NEMA_length(X_motor) / 2])
translate([switch_op_x, sbracket_y - sbracket_thickness / 2 - microswitch_thickness() / 2, switch_op_z])
rotate([0, -90, -90]) {
translate([0,0, -(microswitch_thickness())])
screw_and_washer(No2_screw, 13);
// ribbon clamps
translate([x_motor_offset(), x_end_ribbon_clamp_y(), x_end_ribbon_clamp_z()]) {
rotate([90, 0, 0]) {
color(x_end_bracket_color) render() x_motor_ribbon_bracket_stl(false);
translate([0, 0, ribbon_bracket_counterbore() - exploded * 7])
rotate([180, 0, 0])
screw(M3_cap_screw, 45);
explode([0, 8, 0])
rotate([-90, 0, 0])
ribbon_clamp_assembly(x_end_ways, M3_cap_screw, 16, ribbon_bracket_thickness() - M3_nut_trap_depth);
translate([ribbon_clamp_x, ribbon_clamp_y, ribbon_clamp_z])
rotate([-90, 90, 90])
ribbon_clamp_assembly(extruder_ways, ribbon_screw, 16, wall, true);
else {
translate([x_idler_offset(), idler_front - idler_stack / 2 - shift * 4, 0]) {
for(i = [-1, 1]) {
translate([0, (ball_bearing_width(X_idler_bearing) / 2 + shift) * i, 0])
rotate([90, 0, 0])
translate([0, (ball_bearing_width(X_idler_bearing) + shift * 2) * i, 0])
rotate([-i * 90, 0, 0])
translate([0, ((ball_bearing_width(X_idler_bearing) + washer_thickness(M4_washer)) + shift * 3) * i, 0])
rotate([-i * 90, 0, 0])
translate([0,-ball_bearing_width(X_idler_bearing) - washer_thickness(M4_washer) - washer_thickness(M5_penny_washer),0])
screw(M4_cap_screw, idler_screw_length);
translate([x_idler_offset(), idler_back - M4_nut_trap_depth, 0])
rotate([-90, 0, 0])
nut(M4_nut, true);
module x_motor_bracket_stl(integral_support = true)
translate([0, 0, thickness / 2]) mirror ([1,0,0]) x_end_bracket(true, integral_support);
module x_idler_bracket_stl(integral_support = true)
translate([0, 0, thickness / 2])
x_end_bracket(false, integral_support);
module x_ends_stl() {
translate([-bearing_width / 4, bearing_width / 2, 0])
module facing_pair(dir = 1) {
translate([-dir * bearing_width / 4, dir * bearing_width / 2, 0])
rotate([0, 0, 180])
module x_motor_bracket_x2_stl() facing_pair() x_motor_bracket_stl(false);
module x_motor_support_x2_stl() facing_pair() x_motor_support_stl();
module x_idler_bracket_x2_stl() facing_pair(-1) x_idler_bracket_stl(false);
module x_idler_support_x2_stl() facing_pair(-1) x_idler_support_stl();
mirror ([1,0,0]) x_end_assembly(true);