Replaces threads.xlsx by one .csv file and one awk script per thread
type. The script calculates threadlib specs from the data in the .csv
file. Finally and as before, autogenerate.awk generates the OpenSCAD
code (i.e. THREAD_TABLE.scad).
A new Makefile automates this process: make does what is needed. It
also provides a target 'test' to run the (existing) tests.
To add a new thread type:
- provide newthread.csv
- provide newthread.awk
- modify Makefile to generate your new threads
- add appropriate tests
- fixed bug in Rrot when DRmax is too large.
- reduced number of significant figures to a resolution of 0.1 um
(while not extremely generous for the very finest threads, it
should be enough by far for any 3D-prints).
- increased test limit for thread angle deviations (necessary due to
reduced number of significant figures)
- added test counter: 'make test' now prints number of tests run +
number of threads tested.
- For unknown reasons (MacOS awk?) final match-all rule in
test_table.awk does not match with double-quotes. Work-around: Match
without double-quotes.
- explain structure of THREAD_TABLE.scad and relation to thread module
- explain threads and how to derive proper specs for inclusion in threadlib
- explain use of autogenerate.awk
- explain tests (i.e., test_table.awk)
- README.rst
- License in code files
- nut and bolt to threadlib.scad (from test.scad)
- added feature to be able to use custom threads (table argument)
As OpenSCAD does not support function pointers, it is not an extensible
approach to calculate the thread specs from pitch and Dpitch. Instead, I
pre-calculate *all* of the specs in a table. The idea is to extend this
table with further threads (such as metric threads, conic threads,
bottle threads, etc.) later on.
Step 1: Calculate THREAD_TABLE in Excel.
Obtained tabulated data on BSP threads.
Developed a simplifed design with robust parameters
(i.e., with as much margin as possible given the
tolerances in the specs).
Tap connectors G 1" and G 3/4".
This is what we will screw onto the water-bottle adapter and that will
create a smooth water jet. It will also connect to our launcher.