5919 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Tamás Bálint Misius
Snapshot 359 2024-01-21 12:59:18 +01:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Rewrite MakeIco
There is some cursed memory problem that only ever manifests in ghactions workflows and for cursed people. I'm neither so I just rewrote the whole thing from scratch, slightly better than last time.
2024-01-21 12:57:36 +01:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Fix various warnings that had piled up 2024-01-21 12:46:04 +01:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Sanitize the Lua API
Mostly in terms of consistency of spelling (o/ou, z/s, upper/lowercase), placement (which table a function/variable is in), and getter/setter functionality (a ton of settings weren't possible to query). All of this is done, or at least is intended to be done, in a backwards-compatible manner; code that worked without errors in 97.0 should work correctly from now on also.

Also punt off duplicated and deprecated features to eventcompat.lua, renamed to just compat.lua, where they are more concisely implemented and more maintainable than on the C++ side.

Note that this means that functionality added since 97.0 is not necessarily preserved, and also that code that worked with errors may or may not keep working with errors, and it highly likely will not produce the same errors. In the future, errors coming from compat.lua should be attempted to be resolved first and foremost by migrating user code to new APIs.

List of notable, included, but not entirely relevant changes, which should probably have been done in separate commits:

 - add an enum for simulation deco spaces, there still are a few things that need such enums though
 - move clamping to Brush::SetRadius, meaning that nothing can set bogus brush sizes from now on, not even Lua
 - have LuaLuna install constructor functions in the interface table, rather than pollute _G with equivalent callable tables

The old APIs now work in accordance with existing documentation on the Wiki, though they retain weird unintended behaviour, such as accepting fewer arguments than documented. I also intend to give new APIs a thorough look later, and possibly organize C++-side code into separate TUs based on which API table it implements.

A list list of API changes follows. "status" is to be interpreted thus:

 - added: new API, the "related" API may be the limited functionality deprecated equivalent the new one is meant to extend
 - deprecated: retained for compatibility (see above), implemented in compat.lua via the "related" API, possibly meant to be removed from existing documentation, or at least very visibly marked deprecated
 - aliases: retained for compatibility (see above), implemented in compat.lua as an alias to the "related" API, possibly meant to be removed from existing documentation, or at least very visibly marked deprecated
 - renamed: not retained for compatibility because it was added after 97.0, the replacement is the "related" API
 - removed: no replacement available, see "note" for reason
 - unchanged: unchanged but noteworthy

 name                      | status     | related                 | note
 Button                    | deprecated | ui.button               |
 Checkbox                  | deprecated | ui.checkbox             |
 Label                     | deprecated | ui.label                |
 ProgressBar               | deprecated | ui.progressBar          |
 Slider                    | deprecated | ui.slider               |
 Textbox                   | deprecated | ui.textbox              |
 Window                    | deprecated | ui.window               |
 bz2.COMPRESS_LIMIT        | added      | bz2.compressLimit       | identical
 bz2.COMPRESS_NOMEM        | added      | bz2.compressNomem       | identical
 bz2.DECOMPRESS_BAD        | added      | bz2.decompressBad       | identical
 bz2.DECOMPRESS_EOF        | added      | bz2.decompressEof       | identical
 bz2.DECOMPRESS_LIMIT      | added      | bz2.decompressLimit     | identical
 bz2.DECOMPRESS_NOMEM      | added      | bz2.decompressNomem     | identical
 bz2.DECOMPRESS_TYPE       | added      | bz2.decompressType      | identical
 bz2.compressLimit         | deprecated | bz2.COMPRESS_NOMEM      |
 bz2.compressNomem         | deprecated | bz2.COMPRESS_LIMIT      |
 bz2.compressOk            | removed    |                         | bz2.compress never actually returned this
 bz2.decompressBad         | deprecated | bz2.DECOMPRESS_NOMEM    |
 bz2.decompressEof         | deprecated | bz2.DECOMPRESS_LIMIT    |
 bz2.decompressLimit       | deprecated | bz2.DECOMPRESS_TYPE     |
 bz2.decompressNomem       | deprecated | bz2.DECOMPRESS_BAD      |
 bz2.decompressOk          | removed    |                         | bz2.decompress never actually returned this
 bz2.decompressType        | deprecated | bz2.DECOMPRESS_EOF      |
 elem.FLAG_MOVABLE         | deprecated | sim.FLAG_MOVABLE        |
 elem.FLAG_PHOTDECO        | deprecated | sim.FLAG_PHOTDECO       |
 elem.FLAG_SKIPMOVE        | deprecated | sim.FLAG_SKIPMOVE       |
 elem.FLAG_STAGNANT        | deprecated | sim.FLAG_STAGNANT       |
 elem.PROP_DRAWONCTYPE     | deprecated | 0                       |
 elem.ST_GAS               | deprecated | 0                       |
 elem.ST_LIQUID            | deprecated | 0                       |
 elem.ST_NONE              | deprecated | 0                       |
 elem.ST_SOLID             | deprecated | 0                       |
 elem.getByName            | added      | tpt.element             | only converts names to IDs
 evt.AFTERSIM              | added      | evt.aftersim            | identical
 evt.AFTERSIMDRAW          | added      | evt.aftersimdraw        | identical
 evt.BEFORESIM             | added      | evt.beforesim           | identical
 evt.BEFORESIMDRAW         | added      | evt.beforesimdraw       | identical
 evt.BLUR                  | added      | evt.blur                | identical
 evt.CLOSE                 | added      | evt.close               | identical
 evt.KEYPRESS              | added      | evt.keypress            | identical
 evt.KEYRELEASE            | added      | evt.keyrelease          | identical
 evt.MOUSEDOWN             | added      | evt.mousedown           | identical
 evt.MOUSEMOVE             | added      | evt.mousemove           | identical
 evt.MOUSEUP               | added      | evt.mouseup             | identical
 evt.MOUSEWHEEL            | added      | evt.mousewheel          | identical
 evt.TEXTEDITING           | added      | evt.textediting         | identical
 evt.TEXTINPUT             | added      | evt.textinput           | identical
 evt.TICK                  | added      | evt.tick                | identical
 evt.aftersim              | deprecated | evt.AFTERSIM            |
 evt.aftersimdraw          | deprecated | evt.AFTERSIMDRAW        |
 evt.beforesim             | deprecated | evt.BEFORESIM           |
 evt.beforesimdraw         | deprecated | evt.BEFORESIMDRAW       |
 evt.blur                  | deprecated | evt.BLUR                |
 evt.close                 | deprecated | evt.CLOSE               |
 evt.getModifiers          | added      | evt.getmodifiers        | identical
 evt.getmodifiers          | deprecated | evt.getModifiers        |
 evt.keypress              | deprecated | evt.KEYPRESS            |
 evt.keyrelease            | deprecated | evt.KEYRELEASE          |
 evt.mousedown             | deprecated | evt.MOUSEDOWN           |
 evt.mousemove             | deprecated | evt.MOUSEMOVE           |
 evt.mouseup               | deprecated | evt.MOUSEUP             |
 evt.mousewheel            | deprecated | evt.MOUSEWHEEL          |
 evt.textediting           | deprecated | evt.TEXTEDITING         |
 evt.textinput             | deprecated | evt.TEXTINPUT           |
 evt.tick                  | deprecated | evt.TICK                |
 ren.FIRE_SPARK            | added      |                         | was missing
 ren.colourMode            | deprecated | ren.colorMode           |
 ren.debugHUD              | deprecated | ren.debugHud            |
 ren.decorations           | added      | tpt.decorations_enable  | works with booleans
 ren.fireSize              | added      | tpt.setfire             | also a getter, takes intensity only
 ren.hud                   | added      | tpt.hud                 | works with booleans
 ren.useDisplayPreset      | added      | tpt.display_mode        | identical
 sim.AIR_NOUPDATE          | added      | sim.AIR_NO_UPDATE       | identical
 sim.AIR_NO_UPDATE         | renamed    | sim.AIR_NOUPDATE        |
 sim.AIR_PRESSUREOFF       | added      | sim.AIR_PRESSURE_OFF    | identical
 sim.AIR_PRESSURE_OFF      | renamed    | sim.AIR_PRESSUREOFF     |
 sim.AIR_VELOCITYOFF       | added      | sim.AIR_VELOCITY_OFF    | identical
 sim.AIR_VELOCITY_OFF      | renamed    | sim.AIR_VELOCITYOFF     |
 sim.BRUSH_CIRCLE          | added      | sim.CIRCLE_BRUSH        | identical
 sim.BRUSH_NUM             | renamed    | sim.NUM_DEFAULTBRUSHES  |
 sim.BRUSH_SQUARE          | added      | sim.SQUARE_BRUSH        | identical
 sim.BRUSH_TRIANGLE        | added      | sim.TRI_BRUSH           | identical
 sim.CIRCLE_BRUSH          | renamed    | sim.BRUSH_CIRCLE        |
 sim.FLAG_MOVABLE          | added      | elem.FLAG_MOVABLE       | identical
 sim.FLAG_PHOTDECO         | added      | elem.FLAG_PHOTDECO      | identical
 sim.FLAG_SKIPMOVE         | added      | elem.FLAG_SKIPMOVE      | identical
 sim.FLAG_STAGNANT         | added      | elem.FLAG_STAGNANT      | identical
 sim.MAX_PARTS             | added      | sim.NPART               | identical
 sim.NPART                 | renamed    | sim.MAX_PARTS           |
 sim.NUM_AIRMODES          | added      | sim.NUM_AIR_MODES       | identical
 sim.NUM_AIR_MODES         | renamed    | sim.NUM_AIRMODES        |
 sim.NUM_BRUSHES           | added      |                         | specifies the range of valid ui.brushID inputs
 sim.NUM_DEFAULTBRUSHES    | added      | sim.BRUSH_NUM           | identical
 sim.NUM_EDGEMODES         | added      | sim.NUM_EDGE_MODES      | identical
 sim.NUM_EDGE_MODES        | renamed    | sim.NUM_EDGEMODES       |
 sim.NUM_GRAVMODES         | added      | sim.NUM_GRAV_MODES      | identical
 sim.NUM_GRAV_MODES        | renamed    | sim.NUM_GRAVMODES       |
 sim.NUM_PARTS             | deprecated | sim.partCount           |
 sim.NUM_WALLS             | added      |                         | specifies the range of valid sim.wallMap inputs
 sim.SQUARE_BRUSH          | renamed    | sim.BRUSH_SQUARE        |
 sim.TRI_BRUSH             | renamed    | sim.BRUSH_TRIANGLE      |
 sim.ambientHeatSim        | added      | tpt.ambient_heat        | works with booleans
 sim.canMove               | added      | sim.can_move            | identical
 sim.can_move              | deprecated | sim.canMove             |
 sim.decoColour            | deprecated | sim.decoColor           |
 sim.decoSpace             | added      | tpt.decoSpace           | identical, but a function
 sim.elecMap               | added      | tpt.set_elecmap         | also a getter
 sim.ensureDeterminism     | unchanged  |                         | undocumented
 sim.fanVelocityX          | added      | tpt.set_wallmap         | also a getter, sets fan velocity separately
 sim.fanVelocityY          | added      | tpt.set_wallmap         | also a getter, sets fan velocity separately
 sim.frameRender           | added      | sim.framerender         | identical
 sim.framerender           | deprecated | sim.frameRender         |
 sim.golSpeedRatio         | added      | sim.gspeed              | identical
 sim.gravMap               | deprecated | various                 |
 sim.gravityField          | added      | sim.graMap              | gravity simulation output
 sim.gravityMass           | added      | sim.graMap              | also a getter, gravity simulation input
 sim.gspeed                | deprecated | sim.golSpeedRatio       |
 sim.hash                  | unchanged  |                         | undocumented
 sim.heatSim               | added      | tpt.heat                | works with booleans
 sim.neighbours            | deprecated | sim.neighbors           |
 sim.newtonianGravity      | added      | tpt.newtonian_gravity   | works with booleans
 sim.partCount             | added      | tpt.NUM_PARTS           | identical, but a function
 sim.partNeighbours        | deprecated | see sim.partNeighbors   |
 sim.paused                | added      | tpt.set_pause           | works with booleans
 sim.randomSeed            | added      | sim.randomseed          | identical, undocumented
 sim.randomseed            | renamed    | sim.randomSeed          | undocumented
 sim.resetGravityField     | added      | tpt.reset_gravity_field | identical
 sim.resetSpark            | added      | tpt.reset_spark         | identical
 sim.resetVelocity         | added      | tpt.reset_velocity      | identical
 sim.wallMap               | added      | tpt.set_wallmap         | also a getter, doesn't set fan velocity
 sim.waterEqualisation     | deprecated | sim.waterEqualization   |
 sim.waterEqualization     | unchanged  |                         | still works with ints, not worth the trouble
 socket.getTime            | added      | socket.gettime          | identical
 socket.gettime            | deprecated | socket.getTime          |
 tpt.active_menu           | deprecated | ui.activeMenu           |
 tpt.ambient_heat          | deprecated | sim.ambientHeatSim      |
 tpt.brushID               | deprecated | ui.brushID              |
 tpt.brushx                | deprecated | ui.brushRadius          |
 tpt.brushy                | deprecated | ui.brushRadius          |
 tpt.create                | deprecated | various                 |
 tpt.debug                 | added      | tpt.setdebug            | identical
 tpt.decoSpace             | deprecated | sim.decoSpace           |
 tpt.decorations_enable    | deprecated | ren.decorations         |
 tpt.delete                | deprecated | various                 |
 tpt.display_mode          | deprecated | ren.useDisplayPreset    |
 tpt.drawCap               | added      | tpt.setdrawcap          | identical
 tpt.drawline              | deprecated | gfx.drawLine            |
 tpt.drawpixel             | deprecated | gfx.drawPixel           |
 tpt.drawrect              | deprecated | gfx.drawRect            |
 tpt.drawtext              | deprecated | gfx.drawText            |
 tpt.el                    | deprecated | various                 |
 tpt.element               | deprecated | various                 |
 tpt.element_func          | deprecated | elem.property           |
 tpt.eltransition          | deprecated | various                 |
 tpt.fillrect              | deprecated | gfx.fillRect            |
 tpt.fpsCap                | added      | tpt.setfpscap           | identical
 tpt.getPartIndex          | deprecated | various                 |
 tpt.getUserName           | added      | tpt.get_name            | identical
 tpt.get_clipboard         | deprecated | plat.clipboardCopy      |
 tpt.get_elecmap           | deprecated | sim.elecMap             |
 tpt.get_name              | deprecated | tpt.getUserName         |
 tpt.get_numOfParts        | deprecated | sim.partCount           |
 tpt.get_property          | deprecated | sim.partProperty        |
 tpt.get_wallmap           | deprecated | sim.wallMap             |
 tpt.graphics_func         | deprecated | elem.property           |
 tpt.heat                  | deprecated | sim.heatSim             |
 tpt.hud                   | deprecated | ren.hud                 |
 tpt.menu_enabled          | deprecated | ui.menuEnabled          |
 tpt.mousex                | deprecated | ui.mousePosition        |
 tpt.mousey                | deprecated | ui.mousePosition        |
 tpt.newtonian_gravity     | deprecated | sim.newtonianGravity    |
 tpt.next_getPartIndex     | deprecated | various                 |
 tpt.num_menus             | deprecated | ui.numMenus             |
 tpt.parts                 | deprecated | various                 |
 tpt.perfectCircleBrush    | deprecated | ui.perfectCircleBrush   |
 tpt.reset_gravity_field   | deprecated | sim.resetGravityField   |
 tpt.reset_spark           | deprecated | sim.resetSpark          |
 tpt.reset_velocity        | deprecated | sim.resetVelocity       |
 tpt.selecteda             | deprecated | ui.activeTool           |
 tpt.selectedl             | deprecated | ui.activeTool           |
 tpt.selectedr             | deprecated | ui.activeTool           |
 tpt.selectedreplace       | deprecated | ui.activeTool           |
 tpt.set_clipboard         | deprecated | plat.clipboardPaste     |
 tpt.set_console           | deprecated | ui.console              |
 tpt.set_elecmap           | deprecated | sim.elecMap             |
 tpt.set_gravity           | deprecated | sim.gravityMass         |
 tpt.set_pause             | deprecated | sim.paused              |
 tpt.set_pressure          | deprecated | sim.pressure            |
 tpt.set_property          | deprecated | sim.partProperty        |
 tpt.set_wallmap           | deprecated | sim.wallMap             |
 tpt.setdebug              | deprecated | tpt.debug               |
 tpt.setdrawcap            | deprecated | tpt.drawCap             |
 tpt.setfire               | deprecated | ren.fireSize            |
 tpt.setfpscap             | deprecated | tpt.fpsCap              |
 tpt.setwindowsize         | deprecated | ui.windowSize           |
 tpt.start_getPartIndex    | deprecated | various                 |
 tpt.textwidth             | deprecated | gfx.textSize            |
 tpt.toggle_pause          | deprecated | sim.paused              |
 tpt.watertest             | deprecated | sim.waterEqualization   |
 ui.MOUSEUP_BLUR           | added      | ui.MOUSE_UP_BLUR        | identical
 ui.MOUSEUP_DRAWEND        | added      | ui.MOUSE_UP_DRAW_END    | identical
 ui.MOUSEUP_NORMAL         | added      | ui.MOUSE_UP_NORMAL      | identical
 ui.MOUSE_UP_BLUR          | deprecated | ui.MOUSEUP_BLUR         |
 ui.MOUSE_UP_DRAW_END      | deprecated | ui.MOUSEUP_DRAWEND      |
 ui.MOUSE_UP_NORMAL        | deprecated | ui.MOUSEUP_NORMAL       |
 ui.NUM_TOOLINDICES        | added      |                         | specifies the range of valid ui.activeTool inputs
 ui.activeMenu             | added      | tpt.active_menu         | identical
 ui.activeTool             | added      | tpt.selectedl, ...      | identical, but a function
 ui.brushID                | added      | tpt.brushID             | identical, but a function
 ui.brushRadius            | added      | tpt.brushx, tpt.brushy  | identical, but a function
 ui.button                 | added      | Slider:new              | standalone function
 ui.checkbox               | added      | Textbox:new             | standalone function
 ui.console                | added      | tpt.set_console         | works with booleans
 ui.label                  | added      | ProgressBar:new         | standalone function
 ui.menuEnabled            | added      | tpt.menu_enabled        | identical
 ui.mousePosition          | added      | tpt.mousex, tpt.mousey  | identical, but a function
 ui.numMenus               | added      | tpt.num_menus           | identical
 ui.perfectCircleBrush     | added      | tpt.perfectCircleBrush  | identical
 ui.progressBar            | added      | Window:new              | standalone function
 ui.slider                 | added      | Button:new              | standalone function
 ui.textbox                | added      | Label:new               | standalone function
 ui.window                 | added      | Checkbox:new            | standalone function
 ui.windowSize             | added      | tpt.setwindowsize       | also a getter
2024-01-21 11:30:24 +01:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Hopefully fix msys2 workflows
Apparently updating msys2 causes it to exit completely, great.
2024-01-20 23:35:53 +01:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Fix Platform::ExecutableName on freebsd
Also fix release (but somehow only release) builds failing to link because execinfo is a library on freebsd.
2024-01-15 19:54:32 +01:00
Make LDTC copy BIZR, BIZRG and BIZRG's wavelength too. (#936) 2024-01-15 07:18:16 +01:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Don't use quick_exit with emscripten
This is a temporary fix, that line of code needs to be given some consideration. Maybe a Platform:: function?
2024-01-14 21:52:07 +01:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Snapshot 358 2024-01-14 21:26:45 +01:00
Allow setting ETRD min and max distance with tmp and tmp2 (#883) 2024-01-14 20:51:27 +01:00
Make TESC create LIGH with same deco color (#901) 2024-01-14 20:48:50 +01:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Remove meson warning about mingw and lto
Because msys2 ucrt64 mingw seems to do lto just fine.
2024-01-13 22:51:32 +01:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Don't export everything for nice stack traces in release builds
Because this blows up the size of the executable. This was meant to be done only with debug builds anyway. The release stack traces are all sorts of wonky anyway, no need to complicate them further.
2024-01-13 22:47:59 +01:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Auto-detect lldb client/server paths
Probably needs some tweaking before it's actually generic enough to work for everyone though. Absolutely not going to work for windows people in its current form.
2024-01-13 22:47:07 +01:00
Saveliy Skresanov
e314e99c4c Merge branch 'resist' 2024-01-13 13:47:37 +07:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Make android/install-apk always stale
This effectively leaves the staleness checking to adb install, as it should be done: adb has insight into the state of the system, we don't. Newer versions of android can do incremental installs too, so reinstalling the same thing is essentially free.

Also invoke android/install-apk in the debug script to make sure that the app being debugged is up to date.
2024-01-12 20:11:03 +01:00
Saveliy Skresanov
c5034dd01a Fix clone producing RSST(RSST). 2024-01-12 23:34:34 +07:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Add android debug helper script
Needs some documentation though. Anyway, works on my machine(tm).
2024-01-12 17:16:32 +01:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Use gh cli for managing releases
Rather than my bespoke forks of the unmaintained actions that used to do this.
2024-01-12 17:05:00 +01:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Remove THREAD_LOCAL hack, use thread_local
We dropped support for the buggy toolchains that needed this hack.
2024-01-12 17:05:00 +01:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Migrate mingw builds to msys2 ucrt, update tpt-libs 2024-01-12 17:05:00 +01:00
Gyo-hyeon Lee
8a7a36bb85 Add global characters
Add Latin Extended-B, IPA Extensions, Spacing Modifier Letters, Greek and Coptic, Cyrillic Supplement, Runic, Box Drawing, CJK Symbols and Punctuation

Signed-off-by: Gyo-hyeon Lee <perssphere07@outlook.com>
2024-01-11 18:30:35 +01:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Make sure the correct android SDK and platform are installed
Make sure by checking check whether android.jar from the SDK exists.
2024-01-10 08:48:32 +01:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Explain platform clipboard external dependencies in OptionsView 2024-01-10 07:41:22 +01:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Attempt to show and demangle symbols in bluescreen stack traces 2024-01-10 07:41:11 +01:00
Saveliy Skresanov
9a05e56f15 Restore old SOAP foam behaviour and make it work with nonstandard gravity. 2024-01-09 23:59:31 +07:00
Fix signs loading in wrong position in PSv saves 2024-01-07 17:13:19 -05:00
LogoutRequest - set checkStatus to true 2024-01-06 23:31:28 -05:00
Saveliy Skresanov
c352b08d86 More resist-related comments. 2024-01-02 18:23:19 +07:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Fix bluescreen stack trace not showing exception frames 2024-01-02 10:02:03 +01:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Bump macos runner version to 12
macos-11 runners took ages to finish the macos jobs because homebrew built everything from source on them.
2024-01-01 21:06:28 +01:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Snapshot 357 snapshot-357 2024-01-01 20:02:55 +01:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Fix requests not being marked done when they fail early
They were marked done as far as Libcurl.cpp semantics went, but they weren't noticed by the Worker loop and thus weren't actually marked done with MarkDone.

Broken by 0cc179ae4ea2 where I quietly (i.e. no mention of this in the commit message >_>) replaced curl_multi_wait with curl_multi_poll, the former of which would return after some time even if nothing happened and the latter of which doesn't. Thus, the request manager loop kept iterating, if slowly, and masked this issue: these half-baked requests ended up being noticed in the iteration of the Worker loop that came after the one during which they were marked done.

Also fix the MotD being finalized improperly in Client.
2024-01-01 17:17:43 +01:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Add platform clipboard option to settings 2024-01-01 12:29:03 +01:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Add stack trace to bluescreen on some systems
This is still complete nonsense on posix systems where bluescreen runs in a signal handler, but what can you do.
2024-01-01 09:34:44 +01:00
Saveliy Skresanov
929b7ee525 Resist and bcoal now make fuse powder. 2023-12-31 22:53:56 +07:00
Add includePressure to saveStamp as well
Also removed in a407aba087a9, as part of cleanup. Restoring it now that loadStamp also has this same parameter.
2023-12-30 21:10:28 -05:00
Fix "does not exist" showing up when loading stamps by id or filepath in console
SetLastError will always cause the error to show up in the console. Use tempfile->GetError() instead, which will return the same error message anyway unless the stamp doesn't exist.
2023-12-30 20:34:22 -05:00
sim.loadStamp: default includePressure to 1
It doesn't make much sense for a Lua function to vary depending on whether the user holds shift or not.

This restores the original behavior of includePressure in 6931f3552018, which was accidentally removed later in a407aba087a9. Since I doubt anyone used this parameter, I'll just keep it at position 6 instead of moving it back to 4.
2023-12-30 19:46:12 -05:00
Fix http.post using wrong argument as POST data 2023-12-30 16:03:45 -05:00
Fix header return value from HTTPRequest:finish, now returns both name and value again 2023-12-30 15:40:46 -05:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Clear stamp browser selection when page contents change 2023-12-29 14:35:59 +01:00
7623f45e6e Implement stamp renaming 2023-12-29 10:20:55 +01:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Sample properties when shift is held
Rather than when the active tool is the property tool. Solves the problem of not being able to sample "away" from the property tool when it's already selected. Also bring up the property window after each such sampling of properties.
2023-12-26 13:17:21 +01:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Add beforesimdraw and aftersimdraw events
These fire just after RenderBegin (read: really early) and just before RenderEnd (read: really late, but before the zoom window is drawn), respectively.

Lua graphics calls now also decide whether they should draw using simulation graphics or user interface graphics based on which event is being handled. This fixes element graphics functions being unable to draw with graphics calls.
2023-12-24 13:37:54 +01:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Snapshot 356 snapshot-356 2023-12-23 22:00:33 +01:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Fix label sizes in PreviewView
Enabling clipping in 151bc4c9cd6c made the ill-sized nature of these labels visible.
2023-12-23 21:31:52 +01:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Add tpt.version.beta 2023-12-23 19:33:48 +01:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Add sim.listStamps 2023-12-23 19:26:19 +01:00
Tamás Bálint Misius
Fix link region detection in RichLabels 2023-12-23 14:20:48 +01:00