20 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Tim Allen
0a57cac70c Update to v101r02 release.
byuu says:


  - Emulator: use `(uintmax)-1 >> 1` for the units of time
  - MD: implemented 13 new 68K instructions (basically all of the
    remaining easy ones); 21 remain
  - nall: replaced `(u)intmax_t` (64-bit) with *actual* `(u)intmax` type
    (128-bit where available)
      - this extends to everything: atoi, string, etc. You can even
        print 128-bit variables if you like

22,552 opcodes still don't exist in the 68K map. Looking like quite a
few entries will be blank once I finish.
2016-08-09 21:07:18 +10:00
Tim Allen
82293c95ae Update to v099r14 release.
byuu says:

- (u)int(max,ptr) abbreviations removed; use _t suffix now [didn't feel
  like they were contributing enough to be worth it]
- cleaned up nall::integer,natural,real functionality
  - toInteger, toNatural, toReal for parsing strings to numbers
  - fromInteger, fromNatural, fromReal for creating strings from numbers
  - (string,Markup::Node,SQL-based-classes)::(integer,natural,real)
    left unchanged
  - template<typename T> numeral(T value, long padding, char padchar)
    -> string for print() formatting
    - deduces integer,natural,real based on T ... cast the value if you
      want to override
    - there still exists binary,octal,hex,pointer for explicit print()
- lstring -> string_vector [but using lstring = string_vector; is
  - would be nice to remove the using lstring eventually ... but that'd
    probably require 10,000 lines of changes >_>
- format -> string_format [no using here; format was too ambiguous]
- using integer = Integer<sizeof(int)*8>; and using natural =
  Natural<sizeof(uint)*8>; declared
  - for consistency with boolean. These three are meant for creating
    zero-initialized values implicitly (various uses)
- R65816::io() -> idle() and SPC700::io() -> idle() [more clear; frees
  up struct IO {} io; naming]
- SFC CPU, PPU, SMP use struct IO {} io; over struct (Status,Registers) {}
  (status,registers); now
  - still some CPU::Status status values ... they didn't really fit into
    IO functionality ... will have to think about this more
- SFC CPU, PPU, SMP now use step() exclusively instead of addClocks()
  calling into step()
- SFC CPU joypad1_bits, joypad2_bits were unused; killed them
- SFC PPU CGRAM moved into PPU::Screen; since nothing else uses it
- SFC PPU OAM moved into PPU::Object; since nothing else uses it
  - the raw uint8[544] array is gone. OAM::read() constructs values from
    the OAM::Object[512] table now
  - this avoids having to determine how we want to sub-divide the two
    OAM memory sections
  - this also eliminates the OAM::synchronize() functionality
- probably more I'm forgetting

The FPS fluctuations are driving me insane. This WIP went from 128fps to
137fps. Settled on 133.5fps for the final build. But nothing I changed
should have affected performance at all. This level of fluctuation makes
it damn near impossible to know whether I'm speeding things up or slowing
things down with changes.
2016-07-01 21:50:32 +10:00
Tim Allen
ccd8878d75 Update to v099r07 release.
byuu says:

- (hopefully) fixed BS Memory and Sufami Turbo slot loading
- ported GB, GBA, WS cores to use nall/vfs
- completely removed loadRequest, saveRequest functionality from
  Emulator::Interface and ui-tomoko
  - loadRequest(folder) is now load(folder)
- save states now use a shared Emulator::SerializerVersion string
  - whenever this is bumped, all older states will break; but this makes
    bumping state versions way easier
  - also, the version string makes it a lot easier to identify
    compatibility windows for save states
- SNES PPU now uses uint16 vram[32768] for memory accesses [hex_usr]

NOTE: Super Game Boy loading is currently broken, and I'm not entirely
sure how to fix it :/
The file loading handoff was -really- complicated, and so I'm kind of
at a loss ... so for now, don't try it.
Everything else should theoretically work, so please report any bugs
you find.

So, this is pretty much it. I'd be very curious to hear feedback from
people who objected to the old nall/stream design, whether they are
happy with the new file loading system or think it could use further

The 16-bit VRAM turned out to be a wash on performance (roughly the same
as before. 1fps slower on Zelda 3, 1fps faster on Yoshi's Island.) The
main reason for this was because Yoshi's Island was breaking horribly
until I changed the vramRead, vramWrite functions to take uint15 instead
of uint16.

I suspect the issue is we're using uint16s in some areas now that need
to be uint15, and this game is setting the VRAM address to 0x8000+,
causing us to go out of bounds on memory accesses.

But ... I want to go ahead and do something cute for fun, and just because
we can ... and this new interface is so incredibly perfect for it!! I
want to support an SNES unit with 128KiB of VRAM. Not out of the box,
but as a fun little tweakable thing. The SNES was clearly designed to
support that, they just didn't use big enough VRAM chips, and left one
of the lines disconnected. So ... let's connect it anyway!

In the end, if we design it right, the only code difference should be
one area where we mask by 15-bits instead of by 16-bits.
2016-06-24 22:09:30 +10:00
Tim Allen
f04d9d58f5 Update to v099r05 release.
byuu says:

- added nall/vfs
- converted Famicom core to use nall/vfs interface instead of nall/stream
2016-06-20 21:00:32 +10:00
Tim Allen
29be18ce0c Update to v097r17 release.
byuu says:

- ruby: if DirectSoundCreate fails (no sound device present), return
  false from init instead of crashing
- nall: improved edge case return values for
- nall: renamed file_system_object class to inode
- nall: varuint_t replaced with VariadicNatural; which contains
  .bit,.bits,.byte ala Natural/Integer
- nall: fixed boolean compilation error on Windows
- WS: popa should not restore SP
- GBA: rewrote the CPU/APU cores to use the .bit,.bits functions;
  removed registers.cpp from each

Note that the GBA changes are extremely major. This is about five hours
worth of extremely delicate work. Any slight errors could break
emulation in extremely bad ways. Let's hold off on extensive testing
until the next WIP, after I do the same to the PPU.

So far ... endrift's SOUNDCNT_X I/O test is failing, although that code
didn't change, so clearly I messed up SOUNDCNT_H somehow ...

To compile on Windows:

1. change nall/string/platform.hpp line 47 to

    return slice(result, 0, 3);

2. change ruby/video.wgl.cpp line 72 to

    auto lock(uint32_t*& data, uint& pitch, uint width, uint height) -> bool {

3. add this line to the very top of hiro/windows/header.cpp:

    #define boolean FuckYouMicrosoft
2016-03-13 11:22:14 +11:00
Tim Allen
0d0af39b44 Update to v097r14 release.
byuu says:

This is a few days old, but oh well.

This WIP changes nall,hiro,ruby,icarus back to (u)int(8,16,32,64)_t.

I'm slowly pushing for (u)int(8,16,32,64) to use my custom
Integer<Size>/Natural<Size> classes instead. But it's going to be one
hell of a struggle to get that into higan.
2016-02-16 20:11:58 +11:00
Tim Allen
cec33c1d0f Update to v096r07 release.
byuu says:

- configuration files are now stored in localpath() instead of configpath()
- Video gamma/saturation/luminance sliders are gone now, sorry
- added Video Filter->Blur Emulation [1]
- added Video Filter->Scanline Emulation [2]
- improvements to GBA audio emulation (fixes Minish Cap) [Jonas Quinn]

[1] For the Famicom, this does nothing. For the Super Famicom, this
performs horizontal blending for proper pseudo-hires translucency. For
the Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance, this performs
interframe blending (each frame is the average of the current and
previous frame), which is important for things like the GBVideoPlayer.

[2] Right now, this only applies to the Super Famicom, but it'll come to
the Famicom in the future. For the Super Famicom, this option doesn't
just add scanlines, it simulates the phosphor decay that's visible in
interlace mode. If you observe an interlaced game like RPM Racing on
a real SNES, you'll notice that even on perfectly still screens, the
image appears to shake. This option emulates that effect.

Note 1: the buffering right now is a little sub-optimal, so there will
be a slight speed hit with this new support. Since the core is now
generating native ARGB8888 colors, it might as well call out to the
interface to lock/unlock/refresh the video, that way it can render
directly to the screen. Although ... that might not be such a hot idea,
since the GBx interframe blending reads from the target buffer, and that
tends to be a catastrophic option for performance.

Note 2: the balanced and performance profiles for the SNES are
completely busted again. This WIP took 6 1/2 hours, and I'm exhausted.
Very much not looking forward to working on those, since those two have
all kinds of fucked up speedup tricks for non-interlaced and/or
non-hires video modes.

Note 3: if you're on Windows and you saved your system folders somewhere
else, now'd be a good time to move them to %localappdata%/higan
2016-01-15 21:07:57 +11:00
Tim Allen
0b923489dd Update to 20160106 OS X Preview for Developers release.
byuu says:

New update. Most of the work today went into eliminating hiro::Image
from all objects in all ports, replacing with nall::image. That took an

- fixed crashing bug when loading games [thanks endrift!!]
- toggling "show status bar" option adjusts window geometry (not
  supposed to recenter the window, though)
- button sizes improved; icon-only button icons no longer being cut off
2016-01-07 19:17:15 +11:00
Tim Allen
702b657e75 Update to v095r18 release.
byuu says:

- replaced popen() with execvp() / CreateProcess()
- suppressed (hid) controllers with no mappable inputs from the input
  settings panel

This gets rid of the window flashing when loading games with
higan+icarus. And hiding of empty devices should be a huge usability
improvement, especially since "None" was appearing at the top of the
list before for the SNES.
2015-12-21 20:16:47 +11:00
Tim Allen
b0e862613b Update to v095 release.
byuu says:

After 20 months of development, higan v095 is released at long last!

The most notable feature is vastly improved Game Boy Advance emulation.
With many thanks to endrift, Cydrak, Jonas Quinn and jchadwick, this
release contains substantially improved CPU timings and many bugfixes.
Being one of only two GBA emulators to offer ROM prefetch emulation,
higan is very near mGBA in terms of accuracy, and far ahead of all
others. As a result of these fixes, compatibility is also much higher
than in v094.

There are also several improvements to SNES emulation. Most
significantly is support for mid-scanline changes to the background mode
in the accuracy profile.

Due to substantial changes to the user interface library used by higan,
this release features yet again a brand-new UI. With the exception of
video shaders and NSS DIP switch selection, it is at feature-parity with
the previous UI. It also offers some new features that v094 lacked.

The cheat code database has also been updated to the latest version by
2015-10-08 22:04:42 +11:00
Tim Allen
1b0b54a690 Update to v094r38 release.
byuu says:

I'll post more detailed changes later, but basically:
- fixed Baldur's Gate bug
- guess if no flash ROM ID present (fixes Magical Vacation, many many
- nall cleanups
- sfc/cartridge major cleanups
- bsxcartridge/"bsx" renamed to mcc/"mcc" after the logic chip it uses
  (consistency with SGB/ICD2)
- ... and more!
2015-08-04 19:01:59 +10:00
Tim Allen
092cac9073 Update to v094r37 release.
byuu says:

- synchronizes lots of nall changes
- changes displayed program title from tomoko to higan(*)
- browser dialog sort is case-insensitive
- .sys folders look at user-selected library path; no longer hard-coded

Tried to get rid of the file modes from the Windows browser dialog, but
it was being a bitch so I left it on for now.

- The storage locations and binary still use tomoko. I'm not really sure
  what to do here. The idea is there may be more than one "higan" UI in
  the future, but I don't want people to go around calling the entire
  program by the UI name. For official Windows releases, I can rename
  the binaries to "higan-{profile}.exe", and by putting the config files
  with the binary, they won't ever see the tomoko folder. Linux is of
  course trickier.

Note: Windows users will need to edit hiro/components.hpp and comment
out these lines:

 #define Hiro_Console
 #define Hiro_IconView
 #define Hiro_SourceView
 #define Hiro_TreeView

I forgot to do that, and too lazy to upload another WIP.
2015-07-14 19:32:43 +10:00
Tim Allen
39ca8a2fab Update to v094r17 release.
byuu says:

This updates higan to use the new Markup::Node changes. This is a really
big change, and one slight typo anywhere could break certain classes of
games from playing.

I don't have ananke hooked up again yet, so I don't have the ability to
test this much. If anyone with some v094 game folders wouldn't mind
testing, I'd help out a great deal.

I'm most concerned about testing one of each SNES special chip game.
Most notably, systems like the SA-1, HitachiDSP and NEC-DSP were using
the fancier lookups, eg node["rom[0]/name"], which I had to convert to
a rather ugly node["rom"].at(0)["name"], which I'm fairly confident
won't work. I'm going to blame that on the fumes from the shelves I just
stained >.> Might work with node.find("rom[0]/name")(0) though ...? But
so ugly ... ugh.

That aside, this WIP adds the accuracy-PPU inlining, so the accuracy
profile should run around 7.5% faster than before.
2015-05-16 17:36:22 +10:00
Tim Allen
a512d14628 Update to v094r09 release.
byuu says:

This will easily be the biggest diff in the history of higan. And not in
a good way.

* target-higan and target-loki have been blown away completely
* nall and ruby massively updated
* phoenix replaced with hiro (pretty near a total rewrite)
* target-higan restarted using hiro (just a window for now)
* all emulation cores updated to compile again
* installation changed to not require root privileges (installs locally)

For the foreseeable future (maybe even permanently?), the new higan UI
will only build under Linux/BSD with GTK+ 2.20+. Probably the most
likely route for Windows/OS X will be to try and figure out how to build
hiro/GTK on those platforms, as awful as that would be. The other
alternative would be to produce new UIs for those platforms ... which
would actually be a good opportunity to make something much more user

Being that I just started on this a few hours ago, that means that for
at least a few weeks, don't expect to be able to actually play any
games. Right now, you can pretty much just compile the binary and that's
it. It's quite possible that some nall changes didn't produce
compilation errors, but will produce runtime errors. So until the UI can
actually load games, we won't know if anything is broken. But we should
mostly be okay. It was mostly just trim<1> -> trim changes, moving to
Hash::SHA256 (much cleaner), and patching some reckless memory copy
functions enough to compile.

Progress isn't going to be like it was before: I'm now dividing my time
much thinner between studying and other hobbies.

My aim this time is not to produce a binary for everyone to play games
on. Rather, it's to keep the emulator alive. I want to be able to apply
critical patches again. And I would also like the base of the emulator
to live on, for use in other emulator frontends that utilize higan.
2015-02-28 12:52:53 +11:00
Tim Allen
1a7bc6bb87 Update to v094r08 release.
byuu says:

Lots of changes this time around. FreeBSD stability and compilation is
still a work in progress.

FreeBSD 10 + Clang 3.3 = 108fps
FreeBSD 10 + GCC 4.7 = 130fps

Errata 1: I've been fighting that god-damned endian.h header for the
past nine WIPs now. The above WIP isn't building now because FreeBSD
isn't including headers before using certain types, and you end up with
a trillion error messages. So just delete all the endian.h includes from
nall/intrinsics.hpp to build.

Errata 2: I was trying to match g++ and g++47, so I used $(findstring
g++,$(compiler)), which ends up also matching clang++. Oops. Easy fix,
put Clang first and then else if g++ next. Not ideal, but oh well. All
it's doing for now is declaring -fwrapv twice, so you don't have to fix
it just yet. Probably just going to alias g++="g++47" and do exact
matching instead.

Errata 3: both OpenGL::term and VideoGLX::term are causing a core dump
on BSD. No idea why. The resources are initialized and valid, but
releasing them crashes the application.

- nall/Makefile is more flexible with overriding $(compiler), so you can
  build with GCC or Clang on BSD (defaults to GCC now)
- PLATFORM_X was renamed to PLATFORM_XORG, and it's also declared with
  - PLATFORM_XORG probably isn't the best name ... still thinking about
    what best to call LINUX|BSD|SOLARIS or ^(WINDOWS|MACOSX)
- fixed a few legitimate Clang warning messages in nall
- Compiler::VisualCPP is ugly as hell, renamed to Compiler::CL
- nall/platform includes nall/intrinsics first. Trying to move away from
  testing for _WIN32, etc directly in all files. Work in progress.
- nall turns off Clang warnings that I won't "fix", because they aren't
  broken. It's much less noisy to compile with warnings on now.
- phoenix gains the ability to set background and foreground colors on
  various text container widgets (GTK only for now.)
- rewrote a lot of the MSU1 code to try and simplify it. Really hope
  I didn't break anything ... I don't have any MSU1 test ROMs handy
- SNES coprocessor audio is now mixed as sclamp<16>(system_sample
  + coprocessor_sample) instead of sclamp<16>((sys + cop) / 2)
  - allows for greater chance of aliasing (still low, SNES audio is
    quiet), but doesn't cut base system volume in half anymore
- fixed Super Scope and Justifier cursor colors
- use input.xlib instead of input.x ... allows Xlib input driver to be
  visible on Linux and BSD once again
- make install and make uninstall must be run as root again; no longer
  using install but cp instead for BSD compatibility
- killed $(DESTDIR) ... use make prefix=$DESTDIR$prefix instead
- you can now set text/background colors for the loki console via (eg):
 - settings.terminal.background-color 0x000000
 - settings.terminal.foreground-color 0xffffff
2014-02-24 20:39:09 +11:00
Tim Allen
8c0b0fa4ad Update to v093r02 release.
byuu says:

- nall: fixed major memory leak in string class
- ruby: video shaders support #define-based settings now
- phoenix/GTK+: support > 256x256 icons for window / task bar / alt-tab
- sfc: remove random/ and config/, merge into system/
- ethos: delete higan.png (48x48), replace with higan512.png (512x512)
  as new higan.png
- ethos: default gamma to 100% (no color adjustment)
- ethos: use "Video Shaders/Display Emulation/" instead of "Video
- use g++ instead of g++-4.7 (g++ -v must be >= 4.7)
- use -std=c++11 instead of -std=gnu++11
- applied a few patches from Debian upstream to make their packaging job

So because colors are normalized in GLSL, I won't be able to offer video
shaders absolute color literals. We will have to perform basic color
conversion inside the core.

As such, the current plan is to create some sort of Emulator::Settings
interface. With that, I'll connect an option for color correction, which
will be on by default. For FC/SFC, that will mean gamma correction
(darker / stronger colors), and for GB/GBC/GBA, it will mean simulating
the weird brightness levels of the displays. I am undecided on whether
to use pea soup green for the GB or not. By not doing so, it'll be
easier for the display emulation shader to do it.
2013-11-09 22:45:54 +11:00
Tim Allen
66f136718e Update to v093r01 release.
byuu says:

- added SA-1 MDR; fixes bug in SD Gundam G-Next where the main
  battleship was unable to fire
- added out-of-the-box support for any BSD running Clang 3.3+ (FreeBSD
  10+, notably)
- added new video shader, "Display Emulation", which changes the shader
  based on the emulated system
- fixed the home button to go to your default library path
- phoenix: Windows port won't send onActivate unless an item is selected
  (prevents crashing on pressing enter in file dialog)
- ruby: removed vec4 position from out Vertex {} (helps AMD cards)
- shaders: updated all shaders to use texture() instead of texture2D()
  (helps AMD cards)

The "Display Emulation" option works like this: when selected, it tries
to load "<path>/Video Shaders/Emulation/<systemName>.shader/"; otherwise
it falls back to the blur shader. <path> is the usual (next to binary,
then in <config>/higan, then in /usr/share/higan, etc); and <systemName>
is "Famicom", "Super Famicom", "Game Boy", "Game Boy Color", "Game Boy

To support BSD, I had to modify the $(platform) variable to
differentiate between Linux and BSD.
As such, the new $(platform) values are:
win -> windows
osx -> macosx
x -> linux or bsd

I am also checking uname -s instead of uname -a now. No reason to
potentially match the hostname to the wrong OS type.
2013-10-21 22:45:39 +11:00
Tim Allen
4e2eb23835 Update to v093 release.
byuu says:

- added Cocoa target: higan can now be compiled for OS X Lion
  [Cydrak, byuu]
- SNES/accuracy profile hires color blending improvements - fixes
  Marvelous text [AWJ]
- fixed a slight bug in SNES/SA-1 VBR support caused by a typo
- added support for multi-pass shaders that can load external textures
  (requires OpenGL 3.2+)
- added game library path (used by ananke->Import Game) to
- system profiles, shaders and cheats database can be stored in "all
  users" shared folders now (eg /usr/share on Linux)
- all configuration files are in BML format now, instead of XML (much
  easier to read and edit this way)
- main window supports drag-and-drop of game folders (but not game files
  / ZIP archives)
- audio buffer clears when entering a modal loop on Windows (prevents
  audio repetition with DirectSound driver)
- a substantial amount of code clean-up (probably the biggest
  refactoring to date)

One highly desired target for this release was to default to the optimal
drivers instead of the safest drivers, but because AMD drivers don't
seem to like my OpenGL 3.2 driver, I've decided to postpone that. AMD
has too big a market share. Hopefully with v093 officially released, we
can get some public input on what AMD doesn't like.
2013-08-18 13:21:14 +10:00
Tim Allen
a59ecb3dd4 Include all the code from the bsnes v068 tarball.
byuu describes the changes since v067:

This release officially introduces the accuracy and performance cores,
alongside the previously-existing compatibility core. The accuracy core
allows the most accurate SNES emulation ever seen, with every last
processor running at the lowest possible clock synchronization level.
The performance core allows slower computers the chance to finally use
bsnes. It is capable of attaining 60fps in standard games even on an
entry-level Intel Atom processor, commonly found in netbooks.

The accuracy core is absolutely not meant for casual gaming at all. It
is meant solely for getting as close to 100% perfection as possible, no
matter the cost to speed. It should only be used for testing,
development or debugging.

The compatibility core is identical to bsnes v067 and earlier, but is
now roughly 10% faster. This is the default and recommended core for
casual gaming.

The performance core contains an entirely new S-CPU core, with
range-tested IRQs; and uses blargg's heavily-optimized S-DSP core
directly. Although there are very minor accuracy tradeoffs to increase
speed, I am confident that the performance core is still more accurate
and compatible than any other SNES emulator. The S-CPU, S-SMP, S-DSP,
SuperFX and SA-1 processors are all clock-based, just as in the accuracy
and compatibility cores; and as always, there are zero game-specific
hacks. Its compatibility is still well above 99%, running even the most
challenging games flawlessly.

If you have held off from using bsnes in the past due to its system
requirements, please give the performance core a try. I think you will
be impressed. I'm also not finished: I believe performance can be
increased even further.

I would also strongly suggest Windows Vista and Windows 7 users to take
advantage of the new XAudio2 driver by OV2. Not only does it give you
a performance boost, it also lowers latency and provides better sound by
way of skipping an API emulation layer.

- Split core into three profiles: accuracy, compatibility and
- Accuracy core now takes advantage of variable-bitlength integers (eg
- Performance core uses a new S-CPU core, written from scratch for speed
- Performance core uses blargg's snes_dsp library for S-DSP emulation
- Binaries are now compiled using GCC 4.5
- Added a workaround in the SA-1 core for a bug in GCC 4.5+
- The clock-based S-PPU renderer has greatly improved OAM emulation;
  fixing Winter Gold and Megalomania rendering issues
- Corrected pseudo-hires color math in the clock-based S-PPU renderer;
  fixing Super Buster Bros backgrounds
- Fixed a clamping bug in the Cx4 16-bit triangle operation [Jonas
  Quinn]; fixing Mega Man X2 "gained weapon" star background effect
- Updated video renderer to properly handle mixed-resolution screens
  with interlace enabled; fixing Air Strike Patrol level briefing screen
- Added mightymo's 2010-08-19 cheat code pack
- Windows port: added XAudio2 output support [OV2]
- Source: major code restructuring; virtual base classes for processor
- cores removed, build system heavily modified, etc.
2010-10-20 22:30:34 +11:00
Tim Allen
165f1e74b5 First version split into asnes and bsnes. 2010-08-09 23:28:56 +10:00