By prematurely loading custom profile data in the constructor, under
specific circumstances it would happen before the page was fully
initialised which meant that any attempt at applying filters when
formatting profile field data would result in thrown exception.
The MoodleSession cookie is already set this way when using Chrome, but
not for Firefox. This is a decision made in \core\session\manager. When
Firefox eventually defaults to SameSite=Lax when the SameSite attribute
is omitted from the Set-Cookie headers, the MoodleSession cookie won't
be sent. This change ensures the cookies used during LTI launches will
continue to work if/when this happens, and despite any changes which may
be made to core's sessionlib in future.
Adds the property that is required by Chrome to opt-in to its 3rd party
cookie partitioning solution, CHIPS. This specific change to auth_lti is
to ensure the MoodleSession Set-Cookie header resulting from
complete_user_login() calls (in auth.php) have this property set.
To opt a cookie in to Chrome's 3rd party cookie partitioning solution,
CHIPS, the property 'Partitioned;' needs to be set. This adds a helper
class supporting this, for a given cookie(s).
Note also, PHP's native
cookie APIs (setcookie, etc) don't support this cookie property yet -
Since this class is intended to allow existing Set-Cookie headers to be
modified before being sent (e.g. allowing clients to set a property on a
cookie set elsewhere in code), it deals with the headers directly anyway
but it means that new cookies must also use this helper to opt-in,
instead of relying on setcookie(). E.g. where the intent is to add
partitioning support to a new cookie, that cookie must first be set
(setcookie) and then it may opt-in to partitioning via this helper;
partitioning support cannot be achieved directly through setcookie and
friends yet.
Browsers are phasing out 3rd party cookies. Those which can be set are
partitioned to the top level embedding site, so piggybacking is
prevented. This will break the account linking process. This fix swaps
the piggyback for a login round trip, as originally intended, which
resolves the issue.
If an existing session is active at the time of launch, that user id
appears in the user_updated log. This log should show the launching user
updating their own record, not someone else. To resolve this, auth the
user before making any record updates so that the event gets the correct
user id.
If an existing session is active at the time of launch, that user id
appears in the user_created log, incorrectly (it should be system/0).
This patch makes sure that any existing session is terminated before
creation of a new user during launches.
With the new flow, users can go to the login page from the confirmed page,
and if the user successfully logs in, the user will be directed to the confirmed page.
To avoid that, the confirmed page can only be seen by users who are not logged in.
Currently, Moodle uses fetchOBject() from ADOdb to get the table columns.
Sadly, the current ADOdb, especially the fetchObject() function, still creates dynamic properties.
Altering the fetchObject() with fetchRow() to avoid the dynamic properties deprecation error on PHP 8.2
MDL-78806 core: Remove redundant site name on page titles
* With the site name now being appended to the page titles, there
is no need to manually append the page titles.
When receiving data from the LTI launch, or service call, only update
the user record when we know something has changed. This prevents the
creation of many \core\event\user_updated events.
This isn't required and generates excess events. The only thing update
does, other than update the user fields, is to update the picture, but
in this case, that's unset in membership-based auths anyway, so it's
entirely safe to remove this.
In PHP 8.2 and later, setting a value to an undeclared class property is
deprecated and emits a deprecation notice.
So we need to add missing class properties that still need to be declared.
Evaluated usage of "Install selected language pack(s)" in Behat and
replaced the steps to use generator to install language packs as part
of test setup.
This was used as part of the auth_config.php configuration system for
the auth subsystem, which was deprecated in Moodle 3.3.
It has never had any other uses in core.
Whilst it would be ideal to deprecate it by replacing with an
alternative, it would be impossible to test.
After the user creation, the system must call an update function to update profile_fields_*.
We also provided two functions into user/profile/lib.php to get available from other areas.
We added PHP unit testing for new public functions and
the Behat tests for custom profile fields with locked and unlocked statuses.
Co-authored-by: Matt Porritt <>