The Moodle UI should be functional in a viewport of 320px by 256px to
meet WCAG 1.4.10
this patch contains improvements to:
-prevent horizontal scrolling
-better wrapping of page header
-message drawer funtional on tiny screens
-remove indenting on courses
-prevent elements overlapping on quiz editing
-better navigation tabs
-fix colour picker
-quiz editing
This is commented out because auto-hidden toasts currently call `hide()`
and trigger the `bs.toast.hide` event immediately, and _then_ apply the
autohide delay.
Since we automatically add M.util.pending_js calls when we _start_ to
hide, and resolve them when the hide _finishes_, this means that we do:
- addToast called
- trigger `` event
- add to pending_js
- [pending_js queue not empty - behat waits]
- message is shown in UI
- `hide()` called
- trigger `bs.toast.hide` event
- add to pending_js
- [pending_js queue not empty - behat waits]
- start autohide delay
- [pending_js queue not empty - behat waits]
- [pending_js queue not empty - behat waits]
- [pending_js queue not empty - behat waits]
- [pending_js queue not empty - behat waits]
- end autohide delay
- remove message (no longer present in DOM)
- trigger `bs.toast.hidden` event
- resolve pending_js
- [pending_js queue empty - behat stops waiting]
- Behat runs next step: And I should see "1 enrolled users"
-- Step fails beacuse the message has been shown, and has then been removed
The conversation should have been:
- addToast called
- trigger `` event
- add to pending_js
- [pending_js queue not empty - behat waits]
- message is shown in UI
- start autohide delay
- trigger `bs.toast.shown` event
- resolve pending_js
- [pending_js queue empty - behat stops waiting]
- Behat runs next step: And I should see "1 enrolled users"
-- Step passes
- autohide delay ends and calls `hide()`
- trigger bs.toast.hide event
- add to pending_js
- [behat waits]
- end autohide delay
- remove message (no longer present in DOM)
- trigger `bs.toast.hidden` event
- resolve pending_js
- [pending_js queue empty - behat stops waiting]
- Behat run continues
See MDL-67386 for futher information.
Implemented with moodle_read_slave_trait
Functionality is triggered by supplying config dboption['readonly'].
See config-dist.php for more info on supported dboptions.
pgsql and mysqli drivers are using this feature. Also added support for
connection timeout for these two drivers.