The following lang strings have been undepecated, as they are still
in use:
* errorcoursewronglypublished, core_hub
* eventrolecapabilitiesupdated, core_role
Significant string changes:
* direct:view,gradeimport_direct - wording corrected from 'CSV' to
* limitanswers_help,mod_choice - additional wording added explaining how
the setting works with groups
* pluginname,customfield_text - 'Text field' plugin renamed to
'Short text'
Significant string changes:
* importgroups_help,core_group - Correcting optional fieldnames
(removing picture, hidepicture and adding groupidnumber, groupingname
and enablemessaging)
* penaltyforeachincorrecttry_help,core_question - additional paragraph
about scoring logic
* resultdownloadready,tool_dataprivacy - wording corrected (no need to
go to a download page)
* auth_dbfielduser,auth_db - varchar data type requirement
Significant string changes:
* sitepolicies, core_admin - 'Site policies' changed to 'Site security
* processexpirationstask, enrol_paypal - more explanatory name
* sitepolicy_help and sitepolicyguest_help, core_admin - setting will
only have an effect if the site policy handler is set to default
* sitepolicyhandler_desc,core_admin - improved wording
* pathtodot_help, core_admin - Windows and Mac paths
* debugstringids_desc, core_admin - improved explanation
Capability to delete reponses becomes capability to delete or modify
This also resolves MDL-51659 (incorrect events answer_submitted and
answer_updated) by deprecating them and replacing with the answer_created
Some search areas have been introduced as part of the initial search API
and search engine API implementation.
- Forum posts
- Glossary enties
- All moodle activities