This is an alternative version of jsupdate.php that acts
as a long-running daemon. It will feed/stall/feed JS updates
to the client. From the module configuration select "Stream"
The client connection is not forever though. Once we reach
CHAT_MAX_CLIENT_UPDATES (currently 1000), it will force
the client to re-fetch it.
This buys us all the benefits that chatd has, minus the setup,
as we are using apache to do the daemon handling.
Chat still defaults to the normal update method, which is now
optimised to take advantage of keepalives -- so this change is
safe. The instructions in the config page also indicate that this
mode may not be well supported everywhere. It hasn't been
tested on IIS for starters.
In terms of relative cost -- if each hit on jsupdate.php incurs
on ~20 db queries and delivers one update to the client, each hit
on jsupdate takes ~20 queries, and then roughly 2~3 queries to
serve each of the next 1000 updates. On busy sites, the difference
is huge.
There is still room for enhancements in both keepalive and stream
update methods. I am pretty sure we can trim DB queries more.
mod/quiz/index changes to only display quiz grades when teacher allows
Changes to index.php to only allow student to view overall quiz scores when
teacher has not set options forbidding this, and it can't give away what
scores were for attempts where results should still be hidden.
Credit: Peter Bulmer
Changes to index.php to only allow student to view overall quiz scores when
teacher has not set options forbidding this, and it can't give away what
scores were for attempts where results should still be hidden.
Credit: Peter Bulmer
Previously get_question_options used options for
after-attempt-while-quiz-open, when called while a attempt was still in
progress. Changed it to use options for immediately-after-attempt instead.
Credit: Peter Bulmer
Changed view.php to only display grades when the teacher has not set
options forbidding it. Further, where there is some attempts that are
allowed to be displayed, and others not, highligting of the highest score,
and printing of the overall grade allocation has been disabled to ensure
the hidden grade is not revealed.
Credit: Peter Bulmer
Change to review.php so that the student will only see the grade summary
if they are allowed to view their scores - as determined by quiz options
set by the teacher.
Credit: Peter Bulmer
Moved loading of quiz review options from loop iterating over each qn to be
displayed, to the top of the pageload. Should give efficency gains
on quizes with long pages, as well as making the options available
earlier in the process.
Credit: Peter Bulmer
$USER->lastIP is sometimes not set properly during login, fetch it if we can
or error out clearly -- we won't be able to login the user to the chat if
we don't have an IP address to match him/her against.
1. Added logic to process repository paths. A repository path is marked with a # as the first character of the reference field.
2. Added a new error code for repository items not being deployed / bad reference.
ims.html change:
Added a button to link to the repository browser.
New files:
finder.php – browser for the repository
preview.php – cut down display routine from resource.class.php, forces sidemenu etc.
repository_deploy.php – deploy for repository items (same results as deploy.php)
repository_config.php (repository disabled by default)
resize.js - for iframe resizing
dummyapi.js - dummy SCORM API
(Tom's work, with help from Andy)