Corrections on brazilian portuguese README
Includes corrections on pt_br README like whitespaces etc.
Translating Creational README page to pt_br
Translating the creational readme to brazilian portuguese
changing the header in pt_BR
Translating abstract factory to pt_br
translating Builder and FactoryMethod for brazilian pt
first translation for `zh_CN`
fix quote typo
finish locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/Creational/README.po translate to `zh_CN`
finish locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/Creational/Singleton/README.po translate to `zh_CN`
finish /Volumes/Macintosh locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/Creational/StaticFactory/README.po translate to `zh_CN`
replace chinses quote to english quote
fix format and typo issues, remove need not transition lines.
optimized wording, retranslation the MIT LICENSE
fix double single quote issue